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Tuesday 25 September 2018

Nigerian Politicians And The Youths.

By Sulaiman Kazeem.

First of all, do you agree with me that Nigerian politicians finds it very easy to mobilize our youths for campaign rallies and other dirty jobs, but they don't mobilize them for lucrative job openings and other life changing opportunities?

If YES, you may read this write-up. If NO, this write-up is not for you.

Today, a majority of the members of Nigeria's ruling class are individuals who had the privilege to be a part of the country's leadership, when they were youths. FYI, the country's leadership was not served to them across the counter or on their table, by the older politicians of that Era.

It was the youths of that Era that fought tooth and nail, even at the expense of their lives and properties. It was absorbed in history that some of those notable youths got killed, while some that went on exile had their family members tortured and incarcerated. This is a generation that can not be called Lazy, because they gave it everything and they had no regrets to have done that.

Interestingly, that generation of 'selected' youths successfully brought themselves forward to the present generation and are the ones still in power, or their children in some cases. Let me remind the youths of this generation that the older generation of politicians have been in power since the creation of the entity called Nigeria. Well, you won't be wrong to say that they have held firmly to the country’s leadership, since the beginning of the 19 years old democratic rule and still counting.

Undoubtedly, these people have stayed in power with the support and votes they have received from the youths, each time they present themselves for elective positions. Today, it has become conspicuous that the Nigerian Youths need to detach themselves from the older generation of politicians, they must dissolve the conspiracy and take back the country from the older generation.

In times like this, the Nigerian Youths must be ready to live in Imbroglio and to protect their heritage, rather than to continue to live in the chains and shackles of political slavery.

Frantically, Nigerian politicians have no plans for the youths, except for campaign promises.
Unfortunately, the youths knows this, but they need food, they need to share in the huge campaign funds, they need branded campaign materials. Of course, they need to feel the presence of their representatives, because that's when they make themselves available to all and sundry.

Interestingly, the Nigerian youths have the N-Power programme and other menial Youth Empowerment Schemes, while juicy careers in Nigeria's cash cow corporations and sectors are reserved for the wards of the politicians and the rich.

Today, there have been reports of undue backdoor recruitment in almost all the fat cow Nigerian entities, but nobody has the effrontery to speak truth to power. Instead, the people that have been given sticks instead of carrots are the ones who are singing praise songs for their oppressors. They are just too lazy to think and revolt against their oppressors.

I am not surprised by their cowardice, because this is exactly what was bequeathed to them by their forefathers who sat back to watch the show.

Sad, it was the youths that were writing cover stories for the previous administration, even when it was glaring that the past government has failed. Today, nothing has changed, it is still the youths that have taken it upon themselves to always write cover stories for the 'errs' of the incumbent administration. Indeed, this one shall also pass.

Think about this. Do something to change the status quo. Save yourself and your generation yet unborn, from the shame of tomorrow.
2019 is here.

Twitter: @steam_ng

Ekiti 2014 & 2018; My Predictive Thoughts And Preemptive Expectations, respectively.

Image result for fayose and fayemi

By Sulaiman Kazeem.

At the dawn of the Governor Kayode Fayemi led administration in Ekiti, only a few indigenes who were resident in the State and also understands the peculiarities of the grassroots politics in the Ekiti had predicted that the brightness of the rising sun would dim when it gets to the North pole, and would not be allowed to rise again, when it is sun set.

Well, this is not to say that others who mere political observers and not necessarily resident in Ekiti or indigenes of the 'Fountain Of Knowledge' thought otherwise.

Indeed, as the sun moved from the East to the North pole, before moving to the West, the Governor Kayode Fayemi led administration was fast loosing its popularity and support from the people of Ekiti. It was glaring that the former governor has been unable to flush his style of governance down the throat of the people of Ekiti, because the people were of the opinion that his style of governance was a non populist one and maybe not stomach friendly.

Looking into the past, through the windows of present. It became evident that the former governor was going to suffer a defeat in his reelection bid, when Mr. Peter Fayose, who was an estranged governor of the State but inarguably a grassroots politician expressed interest in contesting in the 2014 Ekiti governorship election, because Kayode Fayemi has already lost almost everything that he needed to win his reelection bid.

Fast forward to the dusk that preceded the dawn of the election, the handwritings on the wall were legible and were not written in favour of former Governor Kayode Fayemi. Of course, the script that countered and dissolved the rigging structure of Former Governor Kayode Fayemi was written and acted by the 'power brokers' in the then national ruling party, the PDP.

To avoid ambiguities, please be informed that the political party with the highest number of rigged votes wins elections in Nigeria. After all, aggrieved candidates who lost to unpopular candidates can proceed to the election tribunal to seek recourse, while disgruntled supporters may either go cold or get bullied by security agencies. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the day.

No doubt, it was a stomach infrastructure driven campaigns, with lots of people smiling to the bank from the emergency 'money abattoir', but as much as many believed that the 2014 Ekiti governorship election was rigged in favour of Governor Fayose, others that beg to differ are of the opinion that Governor Fayemi's defeat was nonnegotiable, considering the odds. Inarguably, the internet never forgets.

In brevity, the election was conducted, and the then incumbent governor, Mr. Kayode Fayemi lost his reelection bid to Governor Peter Fayose. The election results has been recorded as the worst defeat ever conceded by a sitting governor in Nigeria, if not in Africa.

For now, I beg to be silent on the performance of Governor Peter Fayose led administration - successes and failures. We shall discuss this in due time. However, I must say that the records are there and can be verified.

Mr. Fayemi emerged as the winner at the controversial primaries of his political party, the APC, and is contesting against the incumbent Deputy Governor to Governor Peter Fayose. Prof. Kolapo Olusola is believed to be a loyal servant to the incumbent governor and may not deviate from his boss's populist approach to governance.

Would Mr. Kayode Fayemi preside over the people of Ekiti again, just like King Nebuchadnezzar and Governor Peter Fayose, after a depose, is a mystery that only time can unraveled.

Has anything changed? Would the people who denied him his reelection bid reconsider their decision?

While you ponder on those questions and find answers, let me share my preemptive expectations.

Political observers and analyst had predicted the victory of Mr. Kayode Fayemi at the primaries of the APC, but many are still in the darkroom as to what is about to happen in Ekiti State.

Considering the makeup of the APC election planning committee for the 2018 governorship election in Ekiti State, and how and why the primary election of the APC was conducted to produce Mr. Kayode Fayemi, you won't be wrong to say that the APC is up to something.

FYI, in the said committee are former members of the PDP, who orchestrated the 2014 gubernatorial election in Ekiti State, in favour of the incumbent governor, many political analysts to include the writer of this article are of the expectation that the forthcoming governorship election would be very similar to the previous one.

Again, the choice of a 74 year old as a running mate for Mr. Kayode Fayemi could dim his chances of winning the election. Well, this is not to say that the choice of a young man as a running mate for Prof. Kolapo Olusola is a pointer to the victory for the PDP.

Today, Mr. Kayode Fayemi's chances of winning the 2018 Governorship Election In Ekiti State is not as bright as expected, but that is not to say that he is a push over for Prof. Kolapo Olusola.

Twitter: @steamnotes

Saraki And The Offa Robbery.

Image result for saraki
By Sulaiman Kazeem

Yes, the universe is perfect and its inhabitants are beautiful. But, the inability of man to perceive dangers in the aura and the people that surrounds him, is probably the peak of imperfection in the creation of man... Hey! hold it, this is not a religious post.

FYI, never have the people of Offa witnessed such a well orchestrated heinous act like the one that obstructed the rays of the sun on Thursday, April 5, 2018. Well, you may choose to call it 'ECLIPSE OF OFFA', because a 'known' group of evil people who have political ties with people in power chose to obstruct the sunlight of that day and decided to cast shadows of sorrow, tears and blood on the good people of Offa.

Expectedly, the Nigerian media corporation has gone agog. Especially, after the names of the Marchiaveli like Kwara State Godfather, Sen. Bukola Saraki, who by coincidence is Nigeria's incumbent Senate President and a Former Governor of Kwara State, and that of his 'loyal to a fault' political son who is the incumbent Governor of Kwara State, erupted like volcanoes from the statements that were submitted by the suspects and also made available to the public, and following their invitation for questioning at the Police HQ cum by proxy - a written statement.

It is laughable, isn't it laughable that a majority of the people calling for the head of the Senate President are equally guilty of the act of sponsoring criminals, funding cultism and making them do the very dirty jobs. Shamefully, these are the sponsors of the calumny filled articles flying on the social media. Surprisingly, it is a case of the kettle calling the pot black.

Well, politics is a warfare, and in any warfare, nothing is unfair. No doubt, the duo could have also done the same to their political rivals, if not something worse.

To some political observers, the ugly unfolding is yet another plot to ridicule the person of the Senate President and of course it is machined by the cabal in the presidency and aimed at damping his aspiration to become President. In addition, it is perceived as an attack on the nPDP faction in the ruling party.

In all of these, Bukola Saraki and his political son are wearing these allegations like 14 Karat gold necklaces and can be seen as an accomplice to the heinous crime that was committed in Offa. Saraki and Ahmed may be docked for illegal arms procurement (Gun running), sponsoring of a criminal group, but not for armed robbery.

No doubt, the footprints of their oppressors would remain indelible in the minds of the Offa people, the 'wounds' would remain fresh for as long as time, and then the scars will remain forever.

The first stone has been cast and it is our hope that the political fight will get really muddy.
Saraki has scaled through very difficult times. Would this one also pass?

Twitter: @steam_ng


Hope '93; A Sunset At Noon.

By Sulaiman Kazeem
We respect M. Kashimawo Abiola, even in death, because he did not run away from the battle field. He died with his boots and medal of honor ON. Indeed, he died a FIGHTER.

Exactly 25 years ago, precisely on the 12th Of June, 1993, the Nigerian people met at the polls and voted for HOPE (Farewell To Poverty), in a general election that was absorbed as the freest and fairest in the Nigerian history. Unfortunately, 'the evil genius' Head Of States, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, decided to deoxidize Nigerians quest to have a democratically elected government, by annulling the results of an Election Chief MKO had won by a simple majority. It was assumed that he won over 58% of the total votes cast, and in more than 20 States of the Federation.

Inarguably, that inhumane treatment on MKO was welcomed by vindictive reactions from aggrieved Nigerians across the country, most especially from his ardent supporters and well meaning Nigerians in the Southwest. Till today, the decision made by Gen. IBB to unjustly annul the June 12, 1993 elections remain a shadow in our democratic history.

To our bewilderment, MKO was incarcerated by his own trusted friend, treated with no honor, and later murdered in cold blood. Sad, today is also a reminder of the day protesters were shot at sight and their properties destroyed.

Oh, on the 4th Of June, 1996, his killers actually went ahead to assassinate his 45 years old beloved wife and activist, Mrs. Kudirat Abiola, who never stopped demanding for justice for the assassination of her husband. Yes, we know MKO's killers but never did we think that they had plans to assassinate his darling wife.

Today, in commemoration of the 25 years remembrance of 'Hope '93', the President Muhammadu Buhari led administration has deemed it fit to declare June 12 as our democracy day celebration, confer on late Chief MKO, the title of Posthumous GCFR and Posthumous GCON on his running mate and pay their benefits.

No doubt, this decision was welcomed by criticism from people who felt that it has political coloration and still wish to see his killers brought to book, but it got accolades from those who have decided to see its beautiful part. Well, I must agree that it is a progressive decision and duly welcomed by the Nigerian people. Especially, members of his family and the Yoruba people.

Today, again, we remember him as one of our heroes past and martyr of democracy, not just because Chief MKO was among those who fought for Nigeria's Independence but because he did his best to sustained the voice of the oppressed.

No matter what today's compensations are and what is yet to come, the scars that his well orchestrated assassination left in our hearts will remain forever.

We may have short memories, but we know some of our present leaders who were accomplice to that inhumanity. But, VENGEANCE IS OF GOD.

Twitter: @Steam_NG

LAUTECH Tuition Increment; A Case Of Shutting Down The Oxygenator During An Open Heart Surgery.

By Sulaiman Kazeem Steam
July 22, 2018

The present situation of things in LAUTECH demands that all concerned indigenes of Oyo and Osun States call their representatives and tell them not to expect their votes in the forthcoming elections, if they fail to intervene in the crises that has rocked the school for over a decade and may eventually collapse it totally. After all, sovereignty belongs to the people.

This is no time to rhetorics, fustian and grandiloquence, but a time to speak truth to authorities and put the records straight. In fact, our silence in times like this is unjust and a betrayal of the oath we sworn to our Alma mata.

Once upon a time, Ladoke Akintola University Of Technology, Ogbomoso had an aura of enviable greatness and was seen as the goose that lays the golden egg. Today, it has become almost impossible for members of the public and some stakeholders in the university to unravel the mystery of the buildup that seems to have enveloped the friendly aura and may eventually suffocate the entity to death.

Surprisingly, many people did not know that LAUTECH as fondly called has been on a life support machine for over a decade. Perhaps, this was immediately after the tenure of Professor Salawu of blessed memories, as Vice Chancellor. Permit me to also render a silent tribute to Professor Ayeni of blessed memories. What a combination of one of the brightest minds we have had in the helms of affairs of LAUTECH.

FYI, the present disheartening situation in the 28 years old tertiary institution is not only a buildup of leadership failures from the past to the present handlers of the institutions but it is a deliberate effort from the ungrateful protégés of the founding fathers of the institution, to relegate the institution to second division universities and to sabotage the future of the present students and the alumnus of LAUTECH.

LAUTECH is probably the only State University that is owned by two sister States and that has increased tuition and other fees for more than three times in less than a decade. Unfortunately, the unjust increase in tuition does not commensurate with the development in the school. It is no fallacy that the handlers of the university are so insensitive, corrupt, inhumane and bereaved of ideas of how to increase the IGR without increasing tuition and other fees.

In about a decade ago, the student population in LAUTECH was above 35,000, the number of applicants for undergraduate admissions in LAUTECH was presumably more than 30,000, those for Masters Degree was more than 5,000, those for Predegree Science was more than 7,000, those for Post Graduate Studies (MBA, PGD, M.Tech, PhD) was more than 10,000, those running part time studies was more than 5,000, to mention just a few.

Today, I can categorically tell you that the school lost more than 2,000 students to other universities, during the last over 9 months industrial action. Presently, the school has less than 4,000 applicants for undergraduate studies, less than a thousand for PDS - with a majority of them who were desperate admission seekers, less than a thousand for Masters Degree - majority of them are B.Tech holders from LAUTECH and Bachelor Degree holders from Nigeria's second division tertiary institutions. Yes, the situation in my Alma mata is that heart wrecking.

You don't need a college diploma or a university degree to understand the situation of things in LAUTECH. You may likely need a calculator to know that the university can not survive on the lean funds that would be generated from the incoming admission seekers and the tiny subvention from the owner States. Disappointingly, the total summation of the proposed exorbitant tuition can still not run the university independently of the funds from its owner States. Yes, incessant tuition Increment is totally against the precepts on which the university was established.

This is a university that was able to manage the excesses of the leadership of the then Students' Union Government, nurture and model them to become global shapers in their fields of endeavors. Unfortunately, the same tertiary institution that recorded the aforementioned feats has been unable to mediate between different students' interests groups and build a community of interests. This in itself is a leadership failure on the path of the university management.

Today, as much as we celebrate those who have made the university very proud with their innovations and excellent academic records, we must not fail to shame the university management for the increasing population of cyber criminals, robbers, members of confraternity, and other societal wrongs and vices, in the LAUTECH community. After all, LAUTECH is a citadel of learning. Aside fulfilling the academic requirements to graduate, her graduates must be found of good characters and morals.

Unfortunately, a school that is practically three sessions or more behind have decided to increase the tuition by over 200%. This is not just at the wrong time, but it is a wrong decision aimed at worsening the condition of the 'surgical patient' and maybe eventually put a nail on its coffin.

The implications of this draconian decision is that, a majority of the present undergraduate students whom are wards of civil servants who are owed salaries by their employers and petty traders in the both owner States would have to drop out, while the privilege ones would rather get their transcripts and move to a better institution where they can pay slightly higher than the new tuition in LAUTECH. Don't even think that undergraduate and graduate admission seekers would pick LAUTECH over better schools, with that outrageous tuition and poor learning environment.

LAUTECH present 'predicaments' can also be ascribed to 'beneath the rug' corruption at all the facets in the university and their failure to generate funds from grants, ventures and so on.

Interestingly, the leadership of Academic Staff Union Of University, LAUTECH Chapter in their dealings with the university have always highlighted the importance of creating an enabling teaching and learning environment for the lecturers and for the students. In fact, they have always kicked against the push for Increment in student tuition and reiterated the need for the university management and the owner States to increase the monthly subvention funds to the university.

Today, there is a need for synergy between these two oppressed and other Unions like NASU & JAC. This would birth a formidable team that can resist this present oppression. After all, members of these unions also have wards in the same university.

YES, THE STUDENTS WOULD REVOLT AGAINST THIS INCREMENT BUT IT'S UNFORTUNATE THAT THE OWNER STATES WOULD NOT RELEASE FUNDS FOR THE UNIVERSITY, NOT AT THIS TIME . Instead, we should expect another prolonged shutdown of academic activities on the university campus, and a resultant increase in the tuition.

The reality is that the two owner States of LAUTECH, in their almost 8 years in office, have not done well in the payment of the States workforce salaries and maybe in delivering sustainable developmental projects in all the areas of the States. Inarguably, the records are in the public domain.

In conclusion, there is an urgent need for all interested stakeholders in LAUTECH, this is to include the leadership of LAUTECH Alumni Association, past students' leaders, alumnus who are members of staff in the university, business owners in the Ogbomosho community, traditional leaders, political leaders and spiritual leaders, to meet and proffer solutions to the present hurdles, discuss the future of the university and design a timed strategic plan. Our failure to do this in the nearest possible time would pose a bigger threat to all of us.

Thank you for reading.


Politicians And Their Untamed Monsters.

By Sulaiman Kazeem.

Just like Sen. Alimodu Sheriff, Sen. Bukola Saraki also created a monster, feed it well but could not tame it.

Inarguably, ethno-religious militancy is one of Nigeria's post independence problems, but it is not a hearsay that the group of aggrieved ragtag who metamorphosed into the present day most dreaded but 'technically defeated' terrorist group, Bokoharam, is a direct creation of Sen. Alimodu Sheriff, the notorious Former Governor of Borno State.

Before now, the Mohammed Yusuf led group of ragtag were unemployed young people with increasingly militant characters, from poor Muslim families from across Nigeria and neighbouring countries. Yes, the group had the intention of creating an Islamic State and so was a recruiting ground for Jihadist. In addition, the group was able to exploit public outrage at government magnanimous corruption by linking it to westernization.

Just like many Nigerian politicians and businessmen, Sen. Sheriff was blindfolded by his greed and his unflinching quest to remain in the corridors of power.

It was Sen. Sheriff that provided huge funds and arms for the then group of ragtag because he needed them for the dirty jobs. Immediately after the dirty jobs in 2007, Sen. Sheriff decided to cut off his relationship with the group because he no longer needed them. Indeed, he was a dumb skull to have forgotten to exterminate the monster he created.

Today, it is no fallacy to say that malicious Sen. Sheriff actually bit more than he could chew. In fact, he was not careful with his rotten tooth. Sen. Sheriff should be kept behind bars because the seed he planted and watered - manure has eventually grown taller than him and caused so much calamity to the nation.

In the nearest future, Nigerians may be at the mercy of the monsters created by Sen. Saraki, with the group's dominance in the west, if they were not caught after their rain of terror on the people of Offa.

Until proven otherwise, Sen. Bukola Saraki had so much to do with the callous group, Liberation Youths Group and for such, he is an accomplice to the heinous crime committed by the group, on the 5th of April, 2018. The Machiavelli Kwara State Godfather should have no regrets for funding a group of criminals that have also being his benefactors in time past, especially, during political battles.

Oh. You may listen to the confession of the Offa robbery suspects, If you still don't know how Sen. Bukola Saraki won his governorship elections, his Senatorial election, how he won Kwara State during the 2015 Presidential - Governorship elections and how he recently won the entire 16 LGAs chairmen elections for his political party. Today, he is haunted by his past sins.

Mind you, in a saner clime, the Machiavelli Godfather and others that has been fingered in the investigation would be asked to relinquish their positions and provide answers to the lingering questions, so as not to affect governance.

It is my wish that this case is pursued to its later end, as this would serve as a deterrent to others who are funding political thuggery and other crimes.

Twitter: @Steam_NG

Saturday 18 November 2017

Kaduna State Government And Her Blockhead Teachers. By Sulaiman Kazeem.

Kaduna Nigeria. | Juju Films

Indisputably, it is disheartening to read sympathetic write-ups from supposed notable citizens and others faulting the decision of the Kaduna State Government to relieve teachers who failed the 'Competency Test' organized by the State Government and consider some of them for compensation. Left to some of us who don't give a hoot, those teachers should be made to refund their 2 years paid salaries, and pay damages to their pupils and the system.

Hypothetically, the decision to conduct a competency test for teachers in Kaduna State was a premeditated and well orchestrated move by the Governor Nasir Elrufai led government to downsize the over bloated workforce of the State. But how can you in your right senses castigate the Kaduna State Government and put up a defense for those teachers who failed the competence test, woefully.

It should bother you that the questions contained in the the said competency test are meant for primary school pupils. Sad, those shameless blockheads even went ahead to stage a protest against the State Government.

Interestingly, these blockheads won't teach their pupils well, because they can not give what they don't have. The bad eggs among Nigerian teachers sits in their staff rooms to gossip about others and sell their goods. On the long run, they will suggest extra coaching classes to the parents of their pupils who are performing poorly in class and later recommend 'paid' examination malpractices for their pupils.

In fact, many of us have scars we got from their merciless 'torture' and memories of how we were humiliated, because we had poor scores in our class works.

Again, those blockheads teachers are the ones who sexually abuse our girls and boys. Sad, they have brought disrepute to the noble profession and to the country at large.

TBH, this mess is not peculiar to elementary school teachers. Either as undergraduate students or as graduate students, we all know two or more lecturers who falls in this crappy category. These lecturers extorts their students and force their lecture materials which must have been downloaded from the internet, on helpless students. Believe me, it's a messier situation in higher institutions.

It is a huge shame to say that teaching jobs are now distributed like campaign materials to rogues and party members who are illiterates, as compensation for their roles during elections and as a price for their loyalty to their political party.

Lest we fail to say that the decadence in our educational section is a generational buildup and monumental. Thus, the approach to solving this aged mess must be pragmatic and very brutal. Pause and think about it, how do you tell the world that 75% of teachers in a particular Nigerian State failed 'Competency Test'.

Considering the inability of many State Governors to pay salaries, you will agree with me that the same calamity awaits their 'same-same' colleagues in other States. Left to me, I want the Kaduna State Government and other States to extend the competence test to other ministries.

Moreover, why the fuss, who says the examiners who examines students and marks exam answer booklets can not be examined.

Now, you know how we got here. Now, you know why year in and year out, students performance and pass rate in national examinations keep nose diving in many States.



Nigeria is the giant of the African continent. Not just because the country is ranked the most populous in Africa and one of the countries with the highest population in the world, but because the country has done incredibly well in building the biggest sustainable economy in Africa. No doubt, Nigeria is the business hub and the biggest market in Africa.

Today, Nigeria’s population accounts for one-sixth of African population, and one-fifth of the sub-Saharan African population. More so, approximately 50% of Nigeria population lives in the urban area. Invariably, more than hundred thousand (100,000) Nigerians live in twenty-four (24) cities each. Nigeria has three hundred and eighty-nine (389) ethnic groups, rich in culture with various customs, languages and various traditions, which gives a very phenomenal cultural diversity.

Inarguably, Nigeria is the pride of Africa, because she takes pride in whatever she does, being the best and stands out from her contemporaries. Nigeria’s colonial masters stand tall in the world economy, which calls for emulousness. Statistically, there are about fifteen million Nigerians in Diaspora, with people who cuts across all strata and works of life. However, vast majority of Nigerians in Diaspora are known for an unflinching drive to succeed in their chosen field of pursuits. Recently, a Nigerian family in the United Kingdom was named the smartest family in the UK. This is an addendum to the claim that Eighty percent (80%) Nigerians living in the United States of America are known to posses at least a first degree certificate, which makes Nigerians the most educated people in the United States of America.

A nation with a population of over 170 million people is bound to be faced with few challenges, one of which is recession and insecurity. It should interest you that the country was able to move its economy out of recession by fully leveraging on a vast number of work-force. In addition, it is plausible to give accolades to the current administration, for its successes in making the country safe for the citizens and for visitors. No doubt, this achievements would eventually encourage foreign investors, and in return make meaningful impacts on the economy, if and only if, corruption is dramatically addressed and drastically reduced.

Age-long, after Nigeria got her independence in 1960, the structure of Nigeria’s government was infiltrated by different factors which made abuse inevitable in the society. Several heroes of change have emerged, political movements that have the keen passion and interest for change came into play, but were all silenced. It’s been very difficult to disparate the good from the bad, because, the good ones have been overshadowed by the bad ones. Every Nigerian is overwhelmed by the struggle to survive, which make Nigerians focus on the present solution to their financial situation. Rather than prioritize the future, their focus is on the present.

Literally, as much there a lot of Nigerians who climbed the ladder of success, doing legitimate businesses and having regards for the rule of law, one should not shy away from the belief that there are a few who engages in illegal acts. Apparently, religion has taken over the mindset of a large population, making them susceptible to extortions and other forms of abuse.

Nigeria is a nation where corruption is endemic and deeply rooted in government apparatus, and in the lives of an average citizen. Claw marks of corruption has defaced her, and the zeal to continue to exist depreciates by the day. Criminals are being celebrated, the legit citizens are the naive. You won’t be wrong to say that nepotism has become a bane in leadership, this is prevalent in employment processes. Hence, Nigeria recycles the bad ones into public offices. Some people are of the believe that criminality is the easiest way to success. Since the dilapidation of the Nigerian economy, it’s been extremely difficult to preserve and leverage on Nigerian talents. Hence, the standard of living seem to be on the low.

Nigeria’s inability to explore science and nature of life is as a result of a lack of well structured educational systems. Companies that once built the economy deserted Nigeria due to lack of stable power supply. Few people who call themselves the government have taken over the economy for selfish interests. Nigeria cries for help, request for mind renewal and revival. Nigeria’s beauty has been displaced, and replaced with gruesomeness.

I hereby ask “SHOULD NIGERIA BE UNDER HAMMER, OR BE RESTRUCTURED? “. Putting Nigeria under hammer every year have made the her an object of ridicule to the world. The obsolete style of governance in Nigeria have influenced her stagnancy in a coon’s age, and have pertinently impacted the mindset of the youths through believing that the Nation’s affairs should be handed over to the highest bidder, thereby ignorantly selling off the future, hence, Nigeria is placed under hammer. To ensure retracement back to base, Nigerian youths need to relentlessly strive to demonetize politics, so as to throw the corrupt leaders off the throne, hence, the process of putting Nigeria under hammer is eliminated. Today, there is a need to provide opportunity to young people.

Above all, the question “SHOULD NIGERIA BE UNDER HAMMER OR BE RESTRUCTURED?” can best be answered by the youths, via either taking the future into their hands by rising up for the truth and becoming a stakeholder for change, or trading the future for just a bowl of porridge.

Olalekan Ayuba
United Kingdom.

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