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Saturday 28 March 2015

Behold the 50 years old virgin

Temilolu Okeowo


As I write now, your article in Punch newspaper is on my laps. You have actually cut across all ages and my prayer is that God will empower you more. Soon, I’ll make my daughters your fans and members of Girls Club. I have highly intelligent daughters and to be frank, I enjoy your write-ups immensely.

`Yemi Ayo

Hello ma,

I really admire your work. In an age of sexual permissiveness, you are a rare gem for promoting chastity and decency. May your work yield the desired results. I am equally passionate about the same message. Please keep the fire burning. May God empower you, oh apostle of the chaste life!
Ogodo Isaiah

Dear Temi,

At 50 years and still waiting, is chastity still applicable?

My darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters,
Check out this super-duper auntie who failed to return my call after promising to. Whoa! So shocking and almost unbelievable but she’s real and sounds so vivacious on phone and happy with life.

Auntie, sincerely, except you’ve not been doing things God’s way in other aspects of your life or making demands from God, you ought to be living the life of your dreams. In fact, with your unspoiled and uncontaminated state and a holy life, you don’t need to struggle for anything. You don’t need to pray too much to have your greatest heart desires. I tell you all you need do is imagine and imagine and let your imagination run wild because in such a situation you are carrying the presence of God and you are a miracle time-bomb waiting to explode. Or haven’t you ever come across Leviticus 26: 9 where God Himself said, “For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you.”

If the maker of heaven and earth can respect you, then you have the entire world at your feet no matter the adverse combination of circumstances you have to deal with. All you need do is sit at the right hand of God till He makes you a wonderful wonder and showcase you to the world.

Now, if in spite of pressures from the male folk, your family and the entire society you can remain chaste till 50…50, I assure you that if you continue standing right before God, the best days of your life haven’t even begun. However, those wondrous days are around the corner. I imagine the number of men you have turned down. Believe it or not, with God in your life, you’ve not missed anything. If you missed marrying the richest man in Nigeria because you refused to engage in pre-marital sex, I assure you his master’s master is on the way to ask for your hand in marriage. I am sure you know that glorious lady who though got married at 65 yet became a mother-in-the-lord to hundreds of thousands of Nigerians all over the world as a result of her marriage to one of God’s greatest generals.

No matter what anyone has told you or what you think, this is your season. You cannot go unrewarded. I pray you make the most of God and ask Him for unbelievable things of which He can only give you a better version. I congratulate you. You are truly wonderful. And I pray with all my heart that God will not only surprise you with that man who would catapult your destiny, the fruit of your womb will come in a multiple birth. AMEN!
Please meditate on this-

“ And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.”

To be continued

Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and State of domicile to 07086620576.

The Girls Club of Nigeria is aimed at influencing a positive change in the female folk and re-orientating the Nigerian girl. Amongst other things, to promote and enhance the development of girls by instilling a sense of self-worth, competence, usefulness, belonging and influence while of course restoring traditional moral values and encouraging the girls to toe the paths of righteousness. If this generation can make amends, the next generation will come out clean. Don’t you think so? I love you all and I think you are all wonderful sisters!

For more inspiring articles and prayers against sexual perversion (masturbation, lesbianism, addiction to pornography and immoral thoughts etc.) prayers against ungodly soul-ties and prayers for recovery of virtues please visit my blog

Dear girls,

As designed by God, your virginity is the bedrock of your destiny. It is your spiritual beauty. It carries the star, potential and talent which God created with you to make you unique. It is the star in your sky. Please don’t pollute your destiny. The world is waiting for your star to shine! Your curiosity about sex and the way your body feels is normal. However, there’s so much you need to know which may eventually condition your mind and calm your desires. For now, DON’T dabble into it please.

Candidates dump us once we vote for them –Physically challenged Nigerians

People living with disabilities are concerned that they have been neglected by politicians. They are not happy that the attitude of the politicians towards them has always been nothing to write home about.

The PWDs said none of the politicians campaigning for elective positions across the country had specific programme for them. Their anger against the elective office seekers grew when they realised that none of the political parties contesting in today’s election and relevant government agencies thought about their mobility to the polling centres to cast their votes.

Mr. Benjamin Akeju, 34, a graduate of Ibadan Polytechnics, hails from Osun State and lives in Abia State where he is engaged in leather and arts works.

Akeju is furious that none of the politicians has considered it necessary to, at least, ask the PWDs how they could be assisted.

The father of one, who spoke with Saturday PUNCH in Umuahia, said, “Politicians are only after our votes, and once they get what they want, they dump us.”

Akeju expressed displeasure over what he called “the insensitivity” of governments at all levels towards the plights of PWDs.

He said, “In oversees, persons with disabilities are given jobs by their governments but here in Nigeria, if you are not connected to any senior government official or a prominent politician, nobody will offer you employment.

“We depend on self efforts to survive here; our political leaders only use us and dump us. When the President’ wife came to Abia, we tried to greet her, but she just waved at us from a distance. Politicians don’t have us in mind.”

The Secretary, Kwara State Disability Youth Group, Mr. Felix Oyadinrin and the Assistant Secretary of the group, Mr. Ademola Isa, are not satisfied with the way government has been handling their welfare.

In spite of the several requests and representations made to the state government, their plight has not once attracted the concerned attention.

“We only get promises upon promises that have yet to be fulfilled,” they said.

They were surprised that the bill for the disabled that had been passed by the National Assembly has yet to be signed into law by President Goodluck Jonathan.

Oyadinrin, who doubts whether the aspirations and demands of PWDs were articulated by the political parties, said members of his association would join their Nigerian counterparts to vote in today’s election.

He said, “Over 500 of our members have their Permanent Voter Cards. So, we are going to vote, but we are not sure whether the political parties fielding candidates for the poll really have major plans for us.”

Isa agreed with Oyadinrin that aspirations and demands of the PWDs were not being well articulated by politicians.

He said, “It is true some politicians give the impression that they have the welfare of the people with special needs at heart but from experience, many of them do not. They will make you lofty promises and would not fulfil them. We have seen many of them who made such promises to us during elections and never fulfilled them even when they won elections.

“Most of the politicians do not carry disabled people along. They feel that we cannot contribute meaningfully to them. But it is not true. I can only talk of Dr. Mike Omotosho, who has really shown keen interest in our welfare. But other politicians do not even reckon with us let alone carrying us along.”

PWDs in Osun State also said they had been neglected by politicians in the state.

The Chairman, Forum of Chairmen of Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities in South-West, Mr. Kehinde Onitiju, told Saturday PUNCH in Osogbo that politicians had not been treating PWDs the way they should be treated.

Onitiju, a graduate of English Language from the Lagos State University, said that although some political parties encouraged PWDs by giving them nomination forms free of charge to contest elections, he stated that many of the political parties did not recognise his members.

In spite of the neglect, he and his colleagues would troop out to vote because they are citizens of Nigeria.

Onitiju also said that the Disability Bill awaiting the President’s signature would make life better if it was signed into law.

According to him, if the clamour for the establishment of a commission for PWDs has been heeded, many of the challenges confronting that category of Nigerians would have been addressed.

Onitiju said, “We are not carried along as such. Although the Independent National Electoral Commission is trying and the electoral body organised some programmes for us, we are telling others to recognise us during polls in the country.

“We want to go beyond being offered nomination form; we want to contest and win elections. We also want to be represented in government by our members.

“Governor Rauf Aregbesola of Osun State appointed a special adviser from one of us and that is an improvement but we want the Disability Bill awaiting the President’s assent to be signed quickly and passed into law.”

The anger of the Leader of the South-West People Living with Disability, Paul Adelabu, stemmed from the President’s refusal to sign the Disability Bill before him into law.

According to him, the fact that the bill has not been signed indicates that PWDs are not valued in Nigeria.

Adelabu, who spoke with one of our correspondents on the telephone during the week, said the association had met with INEC and leaders of political parties on the need to ensure that PWDs with PVCs participate in the ongoing election process.

“The President has disappointed more than 20 million Nigerians living with disabilities. The National Assembly twice passed a Disability Bill but the President refused to sign it. That bill represents our rights, our life, freedom to speak and freedom to move about without fear of discrimination. There are many public buildings like banks that we cannot access because they are not disability-friendly.

“Government is not helping our members. At the national level, our welfare is not properly handled by the government. However, we have had series of meetings with leaders of political parties in the South-West and the Resident Electoral Commissioner in Oyo State, Rufus Akeju, and tabled our agitations and demands.

“We need assurances that we will receive the necessary assistance during elections and the REC has given the assurance. He has provided what are needed to ease disabled peoples’ movement and accessibility to polling units. The physically challenged will also receive help on election days.”

The Vice-Principal, School for the Handicapped in Ijokodo, Ibadan, Evangelist Olu Kayode, described as disservice to the nation a situation in which 15 per cent of a country’s population was neglected.

He said, “Our population represents 15 per cent of Nigeria’s population according to the United Nations. That is a huge number in politics. It will be wise for any political party or candidate to recognise our relevance.

“In Oyo State, some of us have been offered jobs in local government secretariats. Unfortunately, many politicians and their parties are not aware of the role we can play in their success. INEC has met us and we are satisfied with the arrangement it made for our members on the day of elections.”
In Ekiti State, politicians only remember the PWDs during elections.

A former Secretary, Association of People Living With Disability in the state, Gbenga Akindele, told one of our correspondents in Ado-Ekiti that politicians only remembered them during campaigns to get their votes and dump them when they get to office.

He said, “It is only when they are campaigning that they remember us. By the time they get elected, the story will change. We are the only ones that can tell the challenges we are facing.

“Due to criticisms, the political parties now invite us to their meetings across political parties. Before the election, they promised to make us happy, but when they get elected, they forget to fulfil their promises.”

Physically challenged, Akeju, Onitiju

The President, Physically-challenged People Association of Nigeria, Ogun State, Mr. Olusola Phillips, painted the challenges confronting the PWDs in the state better.

He also said the PWDs were not being carried along by politicians and government at all levels.

Phillips said, “The presidential and the National Assembly candidates do not carry us along in their programmes because none of them has programmes in their manifestos for us.

“We the physically-challenged usually meet with the blind and the dumb and deaf people to articulate our demands and forward to the government but it is painful that no candidate has programmes for us.”

He, however, commended INEC for taking the PWDs through voters’ education.

“INEC has told us that on the day of the election, we should not queue due to our disability but walk up to electoral officer on duty and explain ourselves and we will be attended to,” he said.

PWDs in Ondo State said though they were not being given due recognition by the government, they would still file out to vote for the candidates of their choice.

One of them, who simply identified himself as Success, said, “We don’t know any political party, it is the individuals who care about us that we know.

“For the care for our welfare, I can say that not much is being done, we hope that things will change in the next dispensation.”

Another PWD, Ogundepo Oladapo, is excited that he will participate in the election, but was not sure if those campaigning for his vote have any serious commitment to bettering the welfare of the physically-challenged persons.

A physically-challenged resident of Enugu State, Mr. Melone Benedict, hoped politicians would carry their love for PWDs beyond using them to campaign.

He said, “Candidates are going around, campaigning and making promises. Some PWDs are part of the campaign trains with the expectation that they (candidates) will do something for them when they win elections. The candidates have been assuring us of a better future. We hope that they will fulfil their promises.

“We are hopeful because from all indications, political office seekers are beginning to see the importance of the large number of physically challenged persons in elections.”

The PWDs based in Bauchi State asked politicians to back their promises with actions, even as they called on government to ensure peaceful poll.

The PWDs, who spoke in separate interviews with Saturday PUNCH, said they were not sure if the politicians value them.

One of them, Hassan Mohammed, said, “Politicians don’t fulfil their promises to us; they don’t have value for our lives because when they make promises to us, they fail to fulfil them.

“Our plea to whoever wins the presidential election is to create a ministry for us and he should also prevail on the governors to replicate same in their states.”

The Chairman, Bauchi State Agency for People with Disabilities, Mr. Ayuba Nalmi, said, “We often ask politicians what they will do for us when they win elections, and politicians promise to do everything for you because they need your vote.”

According to the Director, Centre for Citizen with Disability, Mr. David Anyaele, it is disheartening that political parties designed their programmes without having a specific agenda for the PWDs.
He said the PWDs are relegated to the background by the political parties.

Anyaele said neglect of the PWDs by those who should be concerned was culminated by the President’s refusal to sign the Disability Bill before him.

“It is shameful that the bill that should have been signed into law to protect the weakest of weak and protect the most marginalised group of the society has yet to be signed,” he added.

An Edo State-based PWD, Kieran Ogu, said politicians paid little or no attention to issues bothering of the welfare of the PWDs.

According to him, none of the political parties talks about plans to improve the living condition of the PWDs in their rallies and media campaigns.

Ogu said, “In Nigeria, politicians usually put the physically challenged aside. If you watch, they don’t mention anything about us in their political campaign.

“I will vote. But for now, the government is not addressing issues about people like us. When they want to construct roads, they don’t do it in a way that can accommodate us.

“For instance, the walkway on Oba Market Road in Benin City is high. If I am in a wheelchair, I can’t cross to the other side of the road.”

By: Olufemi Atoyebi, Kamarudeen Ogundele, Samuel Awoyinfa, Oluwole Josiah, Success Nwogu, Femi Makinde, Stephen Ukandu, Armstrong Bakam andAlexander Okere

Panic in Enugu over bomb explosions

Bomb explosions in one of the designated polling units in Enugu, early on Saturday morning, has thrown residents, including prospective voters, and Independent National Electoral Commission officials, into panic.

The incident occurred at WTC Primary School Polling Unit 1 in New Layout, where voting is billed to take place in the presidential and national assembly polls.

The bombs, believed to be improvised explosives devices, were concealed in a vehicle which was believed to have been parked near the polling center overnight.

The bombs were placed in a Honda Accord car with Abuja registration number KUJ 971LB.

The first explosion, which is believed to have gone off prematurely, attracted security agents, who quickly cordoned off the area.

Two other unexploded bombs were discovered in the vicinity, and were subsequently defused by the police anti-bomb unit.

Our correspondent, who rushed to the area, witnessed the controlled explosion of the two bombs by the anti-bomb squad at 8.45am and 9.05am.

No casualty was recorded but the incident caused panic among voters and INEC officials who were to participate in the election at the unit.

Our correspondent observed that voters turned back on hearing of the bombs.

The Commissioner of Police, Mr. Dan Bature, who addressed journalists at the venue, said investigations had commenced.

He urged voters to come out and vote, assuring them that their safety was guaranteed.

The police boss said, “Whatever is their motive? We don’t know, whoever is involved we don’t know yet.

“But we can assure you that nobody was injured – everybody is safe and voting will go on.

“I assure all the voters that they are safe.”

Hoodlums shoot at police, soldiers escorting Corps members

Sporadic shootings was witnessed around 10:30am Saturday in Ozuaha community in Ikwerre Local Government Area. Thugs who had barricaded the road into the town, opened fire on a team of policemen and military police escorting Corps members to their polling unit.

The gun duel which lasted for about 25 minutes, has since left the town looking like a ghostyard. According to a police officer who helped brought the situation under control, the armed thugs advanced towards Ubima, hometown of governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Amaechi.

As a result of the development, the corpers and electoral materials were kept in several buses, preparing to leave the community. Our correspondent who arrived the area 5 minutes after the gun duel, saw pieces of shattered ballot boxes on the major road leading into the town. Tension was still very high when our correspondent left the area 30 minutes later.

Friday 27 March 2015

Call errant security agencies to order, Buhari tells Jonathan

Call errant security agencies to order, Buhari tells Jonathan

The All Progressives Congress (APC) Presidential candidate, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari (ret) has called on President Goodluck Jonathan to call errant security agencies to order.
Buhari made this known in a press statement on Friday:

The Abuja Peace Accords Must Be Worth Their Wordings
On Thursday, March 26th, President Goodluck Jonathan and I signed a new accord reinforcing our commitment to violent-free elections.

The new accord is a follow up to the Abuja Accord which we signed, along with nine other party leaders, on Jan. 14th 2015, to show our commitment to free, fair and credible elections in our dear country.

I take these accords very seriously, and this has reflected in the issues-based campaign which I ran all through the period of electioneering campaign, despite the provocative and sleazy campaign directed at my person and my party.

But recent developments across the country, ahead of Saturday’s elections, run against the contents and spirit of the peace accords.

For example, the ink with which we signed the new peace accord had barely dried when we started hearing reports of violence directed against members of our party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), as well as glaring acts of harassment and intimidation being carried out against the opposition by security agents across the country.

Shots were fired at the convoy of the Director General of my Campaign Organization, His Excellency Gov. Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State, in Rumuolumeni, Obio Akpor area of Port Harcourt, a few hours after the second peace accord was signed, leaving two persons injured.
I do hope this is not a confirmation of the information reaching my party that some notorious security agents have been deployed to Port Harcourt to restrict the movement of Gov. Amaechi.
In Ondo State, a serving APC member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Eniolorunda Omosule, was arrested and detained by the police for no reason other than to keep him away until after elections, while we have heard reports of an alleged meeting in Ibadan between the Commissioners of Police in the South-west and PDP officials.

In Imo, we have read of how more than 30 armed mobile policemen were unleashed on some APC youths at Mbutu in Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area, with the policemen firing indiscriminately, smashing doors and windows and arresting some of the youths, while there are alleged plans to deploy troops clothed in DSS uniforms to the South-west to help the PDP to rig the elections.

These are worrisome developments, more so because they involve security agencies, which are supposed to be neutral and professional in carrying out their constitutional duties of protecting the lives and property of Nigerians, irrespective of their party affiliations.

I remain committed to the two peace accords which we signed to ensure free, fair, transparent and peaceful elections on Saturday and on April 11th, and once again I urge all my supporters to shun all acts of violence, even in the face of the worst kind of provocations.

However, the wordings of the accords must mean something if indeed they are the paper they are writing on. The new peace accord we signed on Thursday called on INEC and all security agencies ”to ensure strict adherence to their constitutional roles”. This is the minimum requirement for us to have credible elections. When those who are being paid to protect Nigerians turn around to unleash violence on them, it portends great danger for the polity.

With less than 24 hours to the Presidential elections, I call on President Goodluck Jonathan to immediately call the errant security agencies to order, in the spirit of the peace accords. The President should make it clear that any security agent who engages in acts that are inimical to the success of the elections will face the full wrath of the law.

Please support me, Jonathan begs Arewa nation.

President Goodluck Jonathan has begged the North, specifically the North-East geo-political zone, to support and vote for him on Saturday.

Jonathan in a letter titled, ‘My dear Arewa brothers and sisters’, which he personally signed, said it would be unfair for anyone to blame him for the Boko Haram menace which resulted in the death of over 15,000 Nigerians.

The President admitted that his administration initially underestimated the menace and that was why the terrorists were able to kill many Nigerians.

He added that the menace was compounded by the lack of equipment.

The President, however, said the successes recorded by the Armed Forces in the last six weeks showed that he was indeed capable of curbing terrorism. He, therefore, called on northerners to vote for him in order to perfect the work he had started.

He said, “I do understand that my first duty to you at this time is to rid the entire North of the menace of Boko Haram and secure your lives and property. You and I know that nothing in Nigeria’s past prepared us for the unprecedented reign of unmitigated terror, mayhem and destruction which these murderous terrorists have visited on parts of our country.

“The initial slowness in effectively responding to the threat was as a result of the asymmetrical nature of the war on terror and the need for us to properly equip our security agencies for the successful prosecution of the war.

“Given the recent successes recorded by our Armed Forces with your cooperation and patriotic support, the cooperation of our neighbours as well as the laudable gallantry of security agents, I am confident that in the shortest possible time, the menace of Boko Haram would have been eliminated for good.”

Jonathan’s inability to curb terrorism had made him very unpopular in some northern states to the extent that he was stoned in some of the states while he was campaigning.

Jonathan said he and the people of the South-South geo-political zone supported his late predecessor, Umaru Yar’Adua who was from the North.

He, therefore, urged them to do the same for him.

He said, “Because Nigeria today is in desperate need of stability, I plead with you to join me in building on the foundation of the traditional alliance between us which has always served to keep Nigeria one strong, united and prosperous nation,” he said.

The soaring popularity of Jonathan’s main rival, Maj.Gen Muhammadu Buhari (retd), of the All Progressives Congress, among the Arewa community seems to have jolted the President.

The Vice President, Namadi Sambo, also met northerners in Lagos on Thursday to beg them to vote for Jonathan for the sake of national peace and unity.

Incidentally, the wife of the President, Patience Jonathan, who has been campaigning for her husband, has avoided visiting the North-West and the North-East.

Thugs open fire on Gov. Amaechi convey.

RIVERS State Governor Rotimi Amaechi escaped unhurt in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area on Thursday when gunmen, suspected to be political thugs, fired shots at his convoy.

Two members of the All Progressives Congress were however unlucky as they were seriously injured in the incident, which happened at about 6pm on Thursday.

The governor was   on a door-to-door ward campaign of the area.

An SMS sent to our correspondent by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr. David Iyofor, indicated that the attackers   made bonfire along a major road in the area to prevent the governor from leaving.

The SMS read, “This evening, gunshots were fired at the convoy of Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi at Rumuolumeni, Obio/Akpor LGA by PDP thugs.

“Obio/Akpor is the home of the PDP governorship candidate in the state, Nyesom Wike. The thugs attacked the governor’s convoy and his entourage with bottles, stones and other dangerous objects. Then gunshots were fired at the convoy.

“When the governor was leaving the community, bonfire was set up on the road to prevent him from leaving. More gunshots were fired at his convoy. Amaechi was on door-to-door ward campaign in the state.”

The Greater Together Campaign Organisation, a team in charge of the APC candidate, Dakuku Peterside’s governorship campaign, described the attack on the convoy as part of the plan to assassinate chieftains and members of the APC.

The Director of the campaign organisation, Mrs. Ibim Semenitari, said in a statement   in Port Harcourt   that the thugs were repelled by the governor’s security personnel.

Semenitari lamented that the situation in the state had become worrisome considering that a group of security operatives had gone to the governor’s home town to carry out a secret investigation.

The statement read in part, “In keeping with their plans to attack and assassinate chieftains and members of the APC, thugs of the PDPambushed the convoy of Governor Amaechi, who was on a door-to-door campaign in Rumuolumeni, Obio/Akpor, Rivers State.

“The thugs were repelled by the governor’s security personnel. However, the PDP in Rivers State has concluded plans to launch house-to-house attack on APC chieftains in the state with the aid of security personnel.”

When contacted, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Ahmad Mohammad, told our correspondent that he was still trying to reach out to the Divisional Police Officer in Obio/Akpor to ascertain the veracity of the claim that the governor’s convoy was attacked.

Mohammad promised to react to the matter as soon as he got any response from the DPO in Obio/Akpor   but he had yet to keep the promise as of 9pm on Thursday.

Also in Edo State, the government on Thursday alleged deployment of armed soldiers in the country home of Governor Adams Oshiomhole in Iyamoh     Etsakor West LGA.

A statement by the state Commissioner   for Information and Orientation,   Louis Odion, said the presence of the soldiers was to “intimidate the governor on   election day.”
The statement read in part, “Family members of the   governor were shocked to find his country home taken over by soldiers this(Thursday) afternoon. When asked, the invading force said they were acting on orders from above.
“We also have it on good authority that the Army high command in Abuja had sent some soldiers to Edo State on what they described as ‘special operations’.
“In order not to arouse suspicion, these soldiers were told to dress in suits and pose as SSS operatives and station them at polling units on election day, particularly in areas seen as APC strongholds.”

Tinubu secures court order, restraining his arrest by the military.

National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, Bola Tinubu, on Thursday, secured an interim injunction of a Federal High Court in Lagos, shielding him from possible arrest and detention by the Nigerian Army.

Justice John Tsoho, who granted the order, specifically restrained the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Kenneth Minimah, and his privies from “arresting, detaining, harassing or intimidating the applicant.”

The judge further barred the defendants from laying siege on Tinubu’s house at number 26, Bourdillon Street, Ikoyi, Lagos.

Tsoho made the order in positive answer to a motion ex parte brought before him by Tinubu, through his counsel, Mr. Femi Falana (SAN).
The application, which was dated and filed on March 24, 2015, was equally backed up with an affidavit of urgency sworn to by one Sunday Dare.
Tinubu prayed the court for an order restraining the defendants from hindering him from participating in the 2015 general elections.
The applicant further sought the leave of the court to serve the defendants with the court papers outside of jurisdiction at the Ministry of Defence, Area 10, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.
The court granted the order as prayed by the applicant and subsequently adjourned till March 31, 2015, for hearing in the substantive suit.

Co-pilot deliberately crashed Germanwings plane - Report

The co-pilot of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps, named as Andreas Lubitz, appeared to want to “destroy the plane”, officials said.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin, citing information from the “black box” voice recorder, said the co-pilot was alone in the cockpit, the British Broadcasting Corporationreports.

He intentionally started a descent while the pilot was locked out.
Robin said there was “absolute silence in the cockpit” as the pilot fought to re-enter it.

He said air traffic controllers made repeated attempts to contact the aircraft, but to no avail. Passengers could be heard screaming just before the crash, he added.
Details are emerging of the German co-pilot’s past – although his apparent motives for causing the crash remain a mystery.

Lubitz, 28, had undergone intensive training and “was 100% fit to fly without any caveats”, according to Carsten Spohr, the head of Lufthansa, the German carrier that owns Germanwings.

Spohr said Lubitz’s training had been interrupted briefly six years ago but was resumed after “the suitability of the candidate was re-established”.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters that the co-pilot’s apparent actions had given the tragedy a “new, simply incomprehensible dimension”.

The Airbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain, killing all 144 passengers and six crew, after an eight-minute descent.

“We hear the pilot ask the co-pilot to take control of the plane and we hear at the same time the sound of a seat moving backwards and the sound of a door closing,” Robin told reporters.

He said the pilot, named in the German media as Patrick S, had probably gone to the toilet.
“At that moment, the co-pilot is controlling the plane by himself. While he is alone, the co-pilot presses the buttons of the flight monitoring system to put into action the descent of the aeroplane.

“He operated this button for a reason we don’t know yet, but it appears that the reason was to destroy this plane.”

Lubitz was alive until the final impact, the prosecutor said.

Robin said “the most plausible interpretation” was that the co-pilot had deliberately barred the pilot from re-entering the cockpit.

He added that the co-pilot was “not known by us” to have any links to extremism or terrorism.
Passengers were not aware of the impending crash “until the very last moment” when screams could be heard, Mr Robin said, adding that they died instantly.
Meanwhile, relatives and friends of the victims are due to visit the area of the crash.
Lufthansa has arranged two special flights for families and friends on Thursday – one from Barcelona and one from Duesseldorf – to Marseille, and both groups will travel on by road. Separately, some relatives who did not want to fly are travelling by bus from Barcelona.
The second “black box” – that records flight data – has still not been found.

APC frags Jonathan, Obanikoro, Fayose and others to ICC.

The All Progressives Congress has asked the International Criminal Court in The Hague, to investigate President Goodluck Jonathan and eight others as regards an audio file which allegedly captured some Peoples Democratic Party’s leaders giving orders to a military officer on how to rig the June 21, 2014 governorship election in Ekiti State in their favour.

Apart from Jonathan, others named as accused persons in the petition are Minister of State for Foreign Affairs II, Musiliu Obanikoro; Ekiti State governor, Mr. Ayodele Fayose; former governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in Osun State, Iyiola Omisore; and Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh,

Others are Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Kenneth Minimah, the Commanding Officer of the Nigerian Army’s 32nd Artillery Brigade Commander, Akure, Ondo State, Brig. Gen. Aliyu Momoh; a member of the Federal House of Representatives, Abdulkareem; and the Minister of Police Affairs, Mr. Jelili Adesiyan.

A copy of the petition dated March 25, 2015, read in part, “Essentially, the recording provides evidence of a clearly articulated strategy to militarise Ekiti and emasculate the opposition parties and their supporters as an approach to rigging the elections in favour of the PDP.

“The meeting was attended by top Federal Government officials including two ministers responsible for the Armed Forces and Police. Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, who was then Minister of State for Defence, and Mr. Jelili Adesiyan, the serving Minister for Police Affairs, were senior government officials, who actively participated in the discussions.”

A copy of the petition sighted by our correspondent on Thursday was said to have been submitted to the office of the ICC prosecutor, Ms. Fatou Bensouda.

It was submitted on behalf of the APC by a United Kingdom-based human rights lawyer, Mr. Olukunle Omojuwa.

An electronic mail containing an attachment of the petition, which was forwarded to our correspondent, showed that the same mail was originally sent to the information desk of the ICC prosecutor on Thursday.

Meanwhile, our correspondent contacted the Public Information Officer of the ICC, Florence Olara, on Thursday to confirm if the court had received the APC’s petition, Olara, who said she needed to confirm from the concerned department of the court, had yet to revert to our correspondent as she promised as of the time this report was filed at about 6pm (Nigerian time) on Thursday.

The petitioner alleged that the scenario captured in the audio file and the events that followed had elements of torture, deprivation of physical liberty, persecution and murder.

Jonathan, Buhari renews peaceful accord.

President Goodluck Jonathan and the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Maj.Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), on Thursday signed a fresh peace pact ahead of tomorrow’s election.

The agreement, which is a follow-up to the January 14, 2015 Abuja accord,   is a commitment by the two candidates to keep their supporters in check before, during and after the elections.

The fresh agreement was signed in Abuja shortly after they met behind closed-doors with the leadership of the National Peace Committee for the 2015 General Elections led by a former Head of State,   Gen. Abdusalami Abubakar.

Jonathan and Buhari were accompanied to the event by the national, chairmen of their parties, Adamu Mu’azu (Peoples Democratic Party) and   John Odigie-Oyegun (APC).

Shortly before signing the document, Abubakar said his committee had been working round the clock to assist the political parties and Nigerians to ensure that there is peace   before, during and after the elections.

He recalled that Jonathan met with the committee members on Wednesday while Buhari did the same in the early hours of Thursday.

Abubakar   explained that   the separate meetings were   held to brief them on the current situation in the country and what the committee expected of them as stakeholders and as presidential candidates.

He said, “I want to thank both the President and Gen. Buhari for finding time to meet with the committee. And I want to thank both party chairmen for the support received in trying to send this message of peace.

“I am happy that both parties, the contestants are committed to free and fair elections, free of violence.’’

Under Abubakar’s supervision, the two candidates then signed three copies each of the document. The former military leader  countersigned.
They shook hands and then hugged each other before   displaying their copies of the agreement to reporters.

Jonathan did not speak with journalists after the event but Buhari told reporters that as the document showed, he would accept the results of the presidential poll “only if it is free, fair and credible.”
Members of the committee that witnessed the event included the Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, Cardinal John Onaiyekan; the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III; the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Bishop Matthew Kukah and a former President of the Nigerian Bar Association,   Mrs. Priscilla Kuye.

The agreement   titled “Renewal of our pledges to peaceful elections,” reads, “You may recall that on   January 14, 2015, both of us, along with nine other party leaders signed what has now come to be known as the Abuja Accord.

“The substance of that accord was our commitment to free, fair and credible elections in our dear country.

“In the accord, we agreed to, among other things, run an issue-based campaign and pledged that our electoral campaigns will not involve any religious incitement, ethnic or tribal profiling, both by ourselves and all agents acting in our names.
“Now that the campaigns have come to an end, we meet today to renew our pledge for peaceful elections.

“We therefore call on all fellow citizens of our dear country, and our part supporters, to refrain from violence or any acts that may ,in any way, jeopardise our collective vision of a free, fair and credible election.

“In addition, we call on INEC and all security agencies to ensure strict adherence to their constitutional roles. We also pledge to respect the outcome of free, fair and credible elections.

“Today(Thursday), we again renew our commitment to a united, democratic and prosperous Nigeria. We want all Nigerians to stand together at this critical phase of our nation’s history.”

Employers warned over defrauding graduate internship scheme.

Employers of labour and graduates that are participating in the Federal Government’s Graduate Internship Scheme have been warned against attempts to defraud the programme.

The GIS, which is under the Subsidy Re-investment and Empowerment Programme is aimed at developing the capacity of graduates and also providing them with employment opportunities.

Speaking at the orientation training for interns and employers’ representatives in Enugu, the GIS Project Director, P. M. Papka, said that there have been some attempts by “bad eggs” to defraud the scheme.

Although he did not name the culprits, Papka, who was represented by a Project Implementation Officer, Mr. Emmanuel Eronini, said that they included employers and the interns.

He warned against further attempts to defraud the scheme, noting that those apprehended would be removed from the programme.

“I wish to use this opportunity to caution both interns and their employers against abuse of opportunity provided by the scheme.

“It is true that some bad eggs on both sides have attempted to defraud the scheme through unethical practices.

“This will be resisted vehemently and may lead to them removal from the scheme,” he said.

The project director explained that as a result of the GIS, many graduates now venture into entrepreneurship instead of waiting for jobs from the government.
According to him, the scheme has equally provided opportunities for full employment.

He said, “Many interns are beginning to jettison the idea of waiting for jobs from the government, as some are venturing into entrepreneurship both individually and as cooperative groups.

“Because of the commitment they have shown, some interns have got into full employment even before the end of their tenure. Others are acquiring professional qualification and membership supported by their employers while others have secured full employment at the end of their internship, either with the same firms or with others who had given them better offers.”

Orajiuka Rita, the Development Officer of TOUCHIAN Consulting Limited which facilitated the training, assured that the scheme would support any intern that plans his own future after the internship programme.

Ihedioha blames Okorocha for the poverty in Imo State

The governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in Imo State, Emeka Ihedioha, has blamed the present economic woes in the state on the incumbent Governor, Rochas Okorocha, and his style of leadership.

While presenting his manifesto before the people of the state in Owerri on Wednesday, Ihedioha accused Okorocha of mismanaging the economy of Imo and running a government that has little or no regard for the rule of law and due process.

Assessing the performance of the present administration in the state in the last four years, the PDP candidate said, “It is sad but true that in Imo today, the absence of the rule of law and due process in the conduct of government under the incumbent administration has resulted in a situation where the economy has become prostrate and crestfallen.

“Human capital development has been stunted in the last four years. Qualitative education and basic healthcare has become abysmal. Capital flight due to outsourcing of production has become the order of the day, resulting in mass poverty and unemployment.”

Ihedioha noted that due to the unprecedented mismanagement of the resources of the state within the period, corruption, lack of accountability and transparency had become the order of the day and Imo is heavily indebted, despite the many funds that have accrued to it.

He said, “Imo State has been pillaged. It is certain that between May 2011 and December 2014, a total of N175bn was withdrawn on behalf of the 27 local government areas of the state. Within the same period, the sum of N212bn has been received by the state from the Federation Account.

“The state government has also collected internally generated revenue and other statutory funds, like ISOPADEC and ecological funds, as well as royalties from oil companies.

“Over N100bn has been borrowed from commercial banks and this is verifiable. The balance of N13.5bn on the state bond taken by the previous administration was utilised by the present one. The lease of ADAPALM for N3.3bn, sale of IROMA trucks, lease of Concorde Hotel, Imo Transport Corporation and General Hospitals, all totalling over N500bn, went into the state coffers within the period mentioned. Yet, contractors are owed some unverifiable sums of money running into several billions of naira.”

Don't vote people without certificates - Sambo

Vice President Namadi Sambo, who is also the presidential running mate to the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, has asked Nigerians not to vote for any candidate in the March 28 election who cannot provide his school certificate.

Sambo said this on Thursday during a meeting with the Arewa community in Lagos at the old parliament building in Tafawa Balewa Square.

“Don’t listen to those who cannot prove or provide their school certificate. If you go back, it’s change. Do you want to go back? Today, some people will tell you their certificate is in Toronto. Tomorrow, they will tell you their certificate is in Toronto. Do we want people like that?” he said.

According to the vice president, the PDP is certain to sweep the poll on March 28.

“We need to ensure that the Peoples Democratic Party wins at every polling booth. Our rating is very high in Lagos and other South-West states. We need to mobilise and vote in PDP in the presidential election,” he added.
He told his audience that if PDP was voted in the presidential poll, the April 11 governorship election would be a “walk-over” for Mr. Jimi Agbaje, the party’s governorship candidate in Lagos.

Responding to the VP’s speech, Agbaje said Lagos State would be delivered to PDP. While commending the oratorical skill of Sambo, the PDP Lagos governorship candidate took a swipe at the All Progressives Congress’ presidential and governorship candidates.

He said, “Lagos will be delivered this Saturday. Just imagine how brilliantly our VP spoke without reading from any prepared paper. But their own candidates in the opposition cannot speak or say anything without reading from a prepared note.

“Do you know why? It is because they are always told what to say. I can also tell you that after these elections, they will change the name of their party again. After April 11, APC will change its name.”

Buhari, a gamble not worth taking - Jonathan

Ahead of the Saturday’s presidential election, President Goodluck Jonathan has described his main contender, Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.) of the All Progressives Congress as a gamble that is not worth taking by Nigerians.

He said he did not think that Nigerians would make the mistake of electing Buhari, who he said was not the right option for the country at this time.

Jonathan said this in an interview he granted an online news medium, TheCable. The interview was published on Thursday.

The President said while he could not claim to be perfect, majority of Nigerians would still prefer him to Buhari.

He said, “I don’t think Nigerians will make the mistake of voting for Buhari.
“Gen. Buhari, with due respect, is not the right option for Nigeria at this time. It is a gamble that is not worth taking.

“I may not be perfect as nobody is perfect. But I believe that come Saturday, the majority of Nigerian voters will choose me as the best candidate to lead the nation forward.”
Jonathan also said the APC was being overrated, saying the party would test its popularity against the PDP on Saturday (tomorrow).

“You should remember the Ekiti governorship election last year. Before the election, many people were saying APC would win by a landslide. But we in the PDP were busy mobilising the grassroots, going from village to village, from town to town.

“The result shocked everybody, apart from us at the PDP. I am not underrating APC, but I think they are grossly overrated.

“We shall meet on the field. That is where we will test our true strengths. We are fully ready. You will soon see,” the President boasted.

Jonathan said Lagos State remained the real battleground between the two parties in the South West, saying he does not see the APC winning Oyo and Ogun States.

He added that recent development had shown him that the PDP was taking a new shape in Lagos State.
The President said, “Ekiti and Ondo are already controlled by PDP. I don’t see APC winning Oyo and Ogun.
“And from the last governorship election in Osun, you could see that the gap between PDP and APC was very narrow, judging from the figures.
“Other factors will still be at play and the best you can say for now is that Osun is a tossed-up state, as Americans call it.
“The real battleground is Lagos, and if you have been following events closely, the PDP is reborn in Lagos. Wait and see how Lagosians will vote.”

The President said the choice of Prof. Yemi Osinbajo as Buhari’s running mate would not make any difference in the zone because like Buhari, Osinbajo has never won an election before.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Latest transfer rumors in the global market

Schalke could sell Howedes without CL football

Schalke risks missing out on Champions League football next season. One of the consequences could be the sale of World Cup winner Benedikt Howedes who has already declared his interest in playing abroad.
Source: Bild
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12:31

Zenit interested in Bayern's Dante

Bayern Munich's Brazilian defender Dante has no interest in going to Russia despite reports that Zenit is pushing for a transfer by preparing an offer for the central-back.
Source: Sport Bild
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12:29

Bayern interested in buying De Bruyne next year

Bayern Munich has stated its interest in Wolfsburg star Kevin De Bruyne for 2016. The Belgian is seen as the successor for the aging Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery.
Source: Sport Bild
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10:23

Chelsea & United in Anderson battle

Chelsea and Manchester United are set to go head-to-head in their pursuit of Lazio star Felipe Anderson. The Brazilian has impressed this season and had scouts from the Premier League duo as well as Manchester City watch him on the weekend.
Source: Daily Telegraph
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10:23

Van Gaal wants Alves

Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal is keen to snap up Brazilian right-back Dani Alves in the summer. The Barcelona man sees his contract expire in July and is also wanted by Liverpool.
Source: Daily Telegraph
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10:20

Lars Stindl to go to Gladbach or Leverkusen

Lars Stindl will not extend his contract in Hannover that runs out 2016 and will the leave the club in summer due to a release clause of three million Euro. He will go to Gladbach or Leverkusen.
Source: Bild
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 09:40

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