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Saturday 31 October 2015

Russian airliner with 224 people on board crashes in Egypt

FILE PHOTO: Photo: theguardian.comA Russian airliner carrying 217 passengers and seven crew members has crashed in central Sinai, the office of Egypt’s prime minister has confirmed to the BBC.
The Airbus A-321 took off from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, on its way to the Russian city of St Petersburg.
Egyptian media reports said the wreckage of the plane had already been found and rescuers in more than 20 ambulances have been sent to the scene.
Most of the passengers are believed to be Russian tourists.
Initially, the plane was thought to have disappeared over Cyprus. But the office of Egyptian Prime Minister Sharif Ismail confirmed in a statement that a “Russian civilian plane… crashed in the central Sinai”.
The Egyptian government has since formed a crisis committee to deal with the crash.
The Russian aviation authority, Rosaviatsiya, said in a statement that flight 7K 9268 left Sharm el-Sheikh at 06:51 Moscow time (03:51 GMT) and had been due into St Petersburg’s Pulkovo airport at 12:10.
The authority added that the aircraft failed to make scheduled contact with Cyprus air traffic control 23 minutes after take-off.
A centre to help relatives of the passengers has been set up at Pulkovo airport in Russia, Tass news agency quoted St Peterburg city officials as saying.
The BBC’s Orla Guerin in Cairo said there will be speculation about militant involvement in the incident.
Sinai is a hotbed of Islamist militant with an ISIS affiliated group engage in constant battle with Egyptian security forces.
A source said the aircraft was flying at an altitude where it could not have been struck by something from the ground.
However, the cause of the crash could also be mechanical, analysts say.


Brush your teeth in the dark to help sleep, says Oxford University neuroscientist

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Bright bathroom lights can stimulate the body and prevent sleep, claims Russell Foster, professor of circadian neuroscience at Oxford University

The secret of a good night’s sleep could be as simple as brushing your teeth in the dark, an Oxford Neuroscientist has claimed.
Russell Foster, professor of circadian neuroscience, claims that the bright fluorescent light of bathrooms wakes the body up just when it should be switching off.
He believes that simply brushing teeth in the a dark room could allow sleep to take hold more quickly.
"We live in these dimly-lit caves, both at home and in our offices, which are far less bright than natural light, even on a cloudy day"
Prof Russell Forster, Oxford University
“Sleep is the single most important behaviour that we do. Across our lifespans 36 per cent of our life will be spent sleeping," he said following a lecture on sleep at The Royal Society in London.
“Often people will turn their lights down at night which helps to get the body ready for sleep, but then they will go and brush their teeth and turn their bathroom light on.
“That is very disrupting. I often think someone should invent a bathroom mirror light which has a different setting for night-time.”
Sleep is vitally important for clearing toxins, repairing tissues and replacing energy and restoring metabolic pathways. Lack of sleep is known to reduce cognition and creativity as well as suppressing the immune system and raising the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer and mental illness.
But Prof Foster said that people often struggle to regulate natural sleep patterns in the winter because they spend so much time in ‘dimly-lit caves’ which confuse the body about the time of day.
Humans, like all other animals, have evolved over millions of years to respond to light levels with genes switching on and off depending on the time of day.
But the invention of the lightbulb has meant that bright light is available 24 hours a day which can confuse the body’s natural rhythm and cause genes to switch at the wrong time.


EDUCATION: Opón Ìmò, “Tablet of Knowledge”

The Opón Ìmò, “Tablet of Knowledge”, is a standalone e-learning tablet that provides the senior secondary students with the learning materials required to prepare for school leaving examinations. It provides 3 major content categories; Text Books, Tutorials and Practice Questions. 150,000 of these tablets are being distributed to all senior secondary students across state schools in a move that is expected to radically democratize ‘access’ to learning, regardless of means, location or status.
Opón Ìmò delivers compelling self- paced standalone courses, conducted in a highly interactive computer- based learning environment and synchronized to a library of relevant e-books and a computer- based testing environment. Opón Ìmò is a first of its kind initiative in Nigeria and arguably Africa. Opón Ìmò tackles the learning problem using contemporary ICTs, indigenous content while taking into account socially embedded factors accordingly. The tablet is a portable electronic device, which is controlled through its touchscreen interface, and is available across the open source Android operating system.

Features of Opon-Imo

Android 4.0 Platform

  • The Android 4.0 PC Tablet has a Dictionary, Bible, Koran and Health book. It also has development games such as chess, Sudoku and Tetris. It has 512MB of Ram and an internal storage capacity of 32GB.

E-book library

  • The E-book Library consists of 17 Core Subjects with 4 Extra Curricula Subjects for Senior Secondary 1, 2 & 3 levels making a total of 55 textbooks available on the Opon Imo Platform

Virtual classroom

  • The Virtual Classroom consists of 17 subjects for Senior Secondary 1, 2 & 3 which culminates into a total of 51 video tutorials made available to students.
  • There are 823 chapters in total with about 900 minutes (or 15 hours) of audio voiceovers and an average of 16 chapters per course.

Integrated test zone

  • The Integrated Test Zone makes available Mock Exam tests for 14 core subjects in WASSCE comprising of 10 years of past questions with an average of 500 questions each and approximately 1800 images.
  • There are Practice tests for 46 courses with approximately 1220 chapters containing approximately 29,000 questions referencing approximately 825 images.

A Passage to India By FEMI ADESINA

What do you do during a flight that lasts nine hours and six minutes? You read. You sleep. You wake, and sleep again. You eat. You pray (if you are the praying type). You discuss with your co-passengers. And of course, you ruminate about your destination. What you've heard, or read about the place, particularly if you were visiting for the first time.
But first, due credit for this headline. 'A Passage to India' is the title of a literature text I read in the university some 32 years ago. It was a 1924 novel by the English writer, E.M Forster. The book was on the struggle for Indian independence from British colonial rule, and the book is today regarded as one of the 100 Great Works of the 20th Century by the Modern Library, while Time Magazine also includes it in its 'All Time 100 Novels' list.
A Passage to India. That was what I embarked on, alongside my principal, President Muhammadu Buhari, who was billed to attend the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit, scheduled for New Delhi, the Indian capital, between October 27 and 30,2015.
What had I heard about India? You probably heard those childhood tales, too. India, the land of potent talisman. India does not take part in world soccer competitions, because the world football ruling body, Fifa, had banned it for life. What was the offense? Well, France had met with a country that nobody knows, in a game of soccer. But instead of depending on natural skills, India deployed its famed talisman. The opponents kept kicking the air, because the Indians had made the ball invisible. While the opponents did all the gyrations, however, the Indians did all the scoring. When the game ended at the end of 90 minutes, India had scored 90 goals.
Blue murder, Fifa screamed! This is unnatural, and would bring the beautiful game into disrepute. So it banned India for life. Well, that was the story we heard as young boys. Believe it, and you'd believe anything.
And what of athletics. The International Athletics Federation had to ban India for life, too. What happened? It was an Olympics Games (nobody seemed to know what year, and who the host country was). India was competing, and ended up winning gold medals in all the races. You would see all the athletes at the starting blocks, and the moment the whistle is blown for the race to begin, Indian athletes would already be breasting the tape at the other end. Talisman at work!
This is unfair competition, the rest of the world screamed. So the athletics federation banned India again. And that was how the country was left to play cricket, hockey and other such games. But the question we did not ask ourselves was; if talisman worked with soccer and athletics, why doesn't it work with cricket and hockey? At least, India gets defeated in those games. Some imaginations are simply fertile.
Well, we were passing to India, and it was for serious business. India and Africa had found common grounds, and were cooperating for development in what Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister calls "partnership beyond strategic and economic benefits."
We landed in the land of film stars, beautiful damsels (hope my wife is not reading this) and, of course, medical tourism, at nighttime. Straight to Lalit Hotel, where our President and his entourage were to stay. Lalit. You need to hear a bit about the story of the hotel. It was part of the Lalit Hospitality Group, established in 1988 by Mr Lalit Suri, a very successful businessman and politician, who represented his people in the Indian parliament.
Lalit Suri had the Midas touch. The hotel chain was very successful, and can be found today in most major Indian cities. He had great plans for expansion, and was growing steadily towards the goal. But in 2006, while on a trip to London, Lalit suffered a massive heart attack, and died. He was only 59. But his wife, Dr Jyotsna Suri, took up the gauntlet, and is today keeping her husband's dreams alive, along with their four adult children.
A day before we travelled, a massive earthquake had occurred in Afghanistan, and the tremor was felt both in Pakistan, and New Delhi. But the organizers of the summit said 'no shaking,' that delegates had nothing to fear. There were presidents and top government officials from more than 41 countries, and it was, indeed, a great outing for India and Africa.
Wednesday began with a bilateral meeting between President Buhari and Prime Minister Modi. Discussions focussed mainly on three areas: strengthening relations between the two countries, oil business, and helping Nigeria and Africa to develop their potentials.
India would be quite willing to cooperate with Nigeria on the military front, the PM said. She had helped set up the Nigerian Defence Academy in the early 1960s, provided instructors, and also took in Nigerian officers in its military academy. In fact, President Buhari was at the Defense Services College, Wellington, between July 22 and November 24,1975.
India wants Nigeria's oil on government to government transactions, and President Buhari said the request would be considered in the context of ongoing reforms in the industry.
Back to Wellington. The alumni of the academy paid the Nigerian president a courtesy visit at the Lalit Hotel. Led by Gen V.K Singh, it was time to go down memory lane. The then Lt Col Buhari had been described thus in a confidential report by H.W Kulkam, the Chief Instructor of the College:"Tall, slim, and well-turned out, Buhari is a quiet, unassuming and honest individual."
Major General S.P Malhotra, Commandant of the College, on his part, had written: "Sober and balanced. Straightforward, simple and mature." Memories are made of such.
In almost all the countries he has visited, President Buhari always spared the time to interact with Nigerians in the Diaspora, at the grounds of the Nigerian Embassy or High Commission. It was not different in New Delhi.
Ambassador 'Sola Enikanolaiye, the acting High Commissioner of Nigeria to India had put together an impressive assemblage of professionals, post-graduate students, businessmen, indeed, Nigerians from all walks of life. He reeled out the many ways in which the High Commission supports Nigerians in India, and from the way he was repeatedly hailed, he seems quite popular with the people.
Nigerians asked many questions. The President answered them all. And he gave them his usual charge: be law abiding. Don't lord it over your hosts. Obey the rules. Be good ambassadors of Nigeria.
From the High Commission, it was time to meet with the CEOs of Indian companies, particularly those who do, or are aspiring to do business in Nigeria. All the big names in pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, construction, manufacturing, power, oil and gas, agriculture, and many other sectors, were there. They spoke earnestly. The President responded frankly. New vistas were opened, promises were made. A very rewarding session, if you ask me.
That parley did not end without President Buhari warning the Indian businessmen not to connive with unscrupulous people to send sub-standard food and pharmaceutical products to Nigeria. To show how dear this was to the heart of the Nigerian president, it formed part of his paper at the plenary session of the summit the next day.
Thursday was the main day, in which 41 heads of government gathered at the Indira Gandhi Stadium for the high point of the summit.
After a colorful opening session of cultural display, Prime Minister Modi took the floor. He underscored the raison detre of the summit:
"The dreams of one-third of humanity have come together under one roof. Today, the heartbeat of 1.25 billion Indians and 1.25 billion Africans are in rhythm."
He said further:"india is honoured to be a development partner for Africa. It is a partnership beyond strategic and economic benefits. It is formed from the emotional bonds we share, and the solidarity we feel for each other."
Modi backed his position with statistics. In the past few years, trade between Africa and India has more than doubled to over $70 billion. India is now a major source of business investment in Africa, and 34 African countries enjoy duty free access to the Indian market. The country has equally committed $7.4 billion in concessional credit and $1.2 billion in grants since the first summit held in 2008.
In the immediate future, according to Modi, concessional credit of $10 billion would be given to Africa within five years, while grant assistance will total $600 million.
The presidents spoke one after the other. Trust Robert Mugabe, who spoke in his capacities as Zimbabwean president and chairman of African Union, he used the opportunity to fire darts at the West.
According to him, one-third of the world's population must be respected, therefore, the United Nations must become the United Equal Nations, with its Charter amended.
Chairperson of the AU Commission, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, submitted that Africa and India could no longer be rationally excluded from the permanent seat of the UN Security Council, a position supported by almost all the presidents.
One thread ran through the presentation of nearly all the African leaders. This was a good time to promote cooperation between Africa and India. South-south cooperation must not just be political slogan, but an opportunity for the countries to to meet their growing challenges.
"Africa needs mutual partnerships leading to development, rather than aids," submitted King Mohammed VI of Morocco.
Idris Deby Itno of Chad said India and Africa had had mutual exchanges since time immemorial, stressing that partnership will help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
President Muhammadu Buhari said India and most African countries have similar historical experiences, and the summit was an opportunity to review what had been achieved since 2008, stressing:"India and Africa must develop new spirit of solidarity to confront challenges."
He equally brought the message home, saying:"as a government, we have demonstrated our strong determination to change the direction and content of governance, including the management of our resources through accountability, transparency, and result-orientation in governance. We are confident that India, as a tested friend and dependable partner, will always stand shoulder to shoulder with us in the discharge of the mandate entrusted to us by our people."
With the summit over, and planning to return home, I sent text messages to my friends in Nigeria, saying since I was in the land of talisman, they should indicate the type they wanted. The responses were rib-cracking, but you can't beat this one from Steve Nwosu, Deputy Managing Director/Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The Sun Newspapers. He wrote:
"Get me a money doubling ring. They call it evergreen pocket. Every money you spend finds its way back to your pocket. Hahahaha."
No doubt, India and Africa are onto a strong partnership that may be enduring, mutually beneficial, with strong implications for development. That is the true talisman.Ever potent, ever sure.
Femi Adesina is Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, to President Buhari

EXPOZE: Orubebe Charged with Accepting N70m Bribe, False Assets Declaration

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Ex-Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Godsday Peter Orubebe
Tobi Soniyi  in  Abuja
The Federal Government has filed charges against a former Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Godsday Peter Orubebe for alleged false declaration of assets and acceptance of about N70 million bribe.
The four-count charge filed on behalf of the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) by Peter Danladi of the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) on October 8 this year is currently pending before the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT).
Already, the CCT has fixed November 9 for Orbube's arraignment.
The former minister is charged in counts one and two with failing to declare his ownership of two properties in Abuja.
CCT's Head of Press and Public Relations, Ibraheem Al-hassan, confirmed that a charge was pending against Orubebe before the tribunal and that the ex-minister was served with the charges on October 29.
He said the tribunal had scheduled Orubebe's arraignment for November 9.

OSINBAJO: I Run Shelters for the Needy, Says Mrs. Osinbajo

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Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja
Wife of the Vice President, Mrs. Dolapo Osinbajo, revealed on Friday that she runs two shelters in Lagos that cater for the needy that had been trafficked and those that had suffered domestic violence.
Mrs. Osinbajo made the revelation in Abuja at the 13th annual scholarship awards ceremony organised by the Nigerian Women Association of Georgia (NWAG), USA.
She stated that she got many invitations but chose to attend the award ceremony because it was special due to the empowerment of women and the help given to the orphanage homes by the association.
According to her, "I sometimes get overwhelmed about the amount of needs that we have in our nation. I can't even begin to express our gratitude to this organisation to take out another 37 in need out of millions.
"To the glory of God I run two shelters in Lagos, one is 150 beds the other is 100 beds. They are shelters for women and children. They are shelters for those that have been trafficked or gone through domestic violence," she added.
Continuing, Osinbajo said, "It is not enough for us to walk in here and walk out, the need is so great, the need is so immediate, the need is so extreme that we should be up at night and not be able to sleep, thinking of what we can do to help the next person."
Addressing the awardees, she said, "I like to tell you who you are, there has been a lie of who Nigerians are, there has been a lie about who Nigerian women are. But I think NWAG shows you this is who you are. You are women that can associate with other women and keep the friendship. For 15 years they have been together and they  can still point at members that are there from the beginning, don't believe the lie, this is who you are, you can work in collaboration with other people, it is not always a winner takes it all, this is who you are young ladies.

Swear in Ministers without further delay – DPC tells Buhari

Ministers-BuhariThe Democratic People’s Congress (DPC) has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to immediately swear in his ministers following successful screening and confirmation of their nominations by the Senate.
This is contained in a statement signed by the party’s National Chairman, Mr Olusegun Peters, on Friday in Abuja.
The party said that Nigerians could not wait longer for the ministers to assume duties and support the president in repositioning the country.
“Since one man cannot be an island, the need for collective effort and team work in effective governance cannot be emphasised.
“DPC therefore urges Buhari, in-coming ministers, and indeed, all public office holders, to imbibe team spirit in carrying out their constitutional duties,’’ it stated.
It urged that national interest should at all times supersede partisan politics, mundane consideration and personal interest.
DPC also stated that patriotism should be the watchword in revamping the nation’ s economy, fight against corruption and terrorism.
“It is time to redefine governance and meet the yearnings of impoverished Nigerians, longing for a better and secured nation.
“The task ahead is enormous and calls for diligence, perseverance and managerial acumen,’’ the party added.
It urged Nigerians to embrace the party as the “third leg in the nation’s political tripod.’

“As a mass movement and foremost opposition party, DPC will at all times point the way forward in building a great nation which future generations will be proud of,’’ it said. (NAN)

CBN: No Plan For Naira Devaluation, Emefiele Insists


Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr. Godwin Emefiele, yesterday maintained that it has no plans for further devaluation of the naira.
He stated that what is uppermost in the bank’s agenda at the moment was how to enhance and deepen the foreign exchange market through improved supply of foreign exchange to the market.
Emefiele’s position is coming against the backdrop of calls by former CBN governor and currently Emir of Kano, Lamido Sanusi, for the devaluatiin of the naira and loosening of monetary policy to stimulate the economy.
Speaking to journalists after attending a meeting chaired by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, Emefiele noted, however, that he had no plan to devalue the naira after it was devalued in February when the currency was depreciated from N155 to N197.
He said, “There has been a lot of talk on whether or not we want to depreciate our currency again. The truth is that we had adjusted the currency by depreciating it from N155 to N197 in February this year.
There is no intention to depreciate or adjust the currency any longer.
“The President has been very clear on this. The Vice President has been very clear on this and let me further reiterate our position at the Central Bank of Nigeria that we are not considering any further depreciation of the currency.
“What we are trying to concentrate on right now is how to improve and deepen the foreign exchange market by improving supply of foreign exchange into the market. And to do so, we are trying to encourage people to export and earn export proceeds and use them to import whatever they need to import.
“We are also concentrating on how to reduce the import of items that we can produce in the country today. So that is our focus”.


Buhari: Not all nominees will be ministers

President Muhammadu Buhari says some of the ministerial nominees will end up “sitting” in federal executive council sessions rather emerging substantive ministers. In an interactive session with journalists in New Delhi, capital of India, on Friday, Buhari lamented state of the economy, saying: “The government is broke”. “There used to be 42 ministers but we will be lucky if we can have half of that now, others may not be substantive ministers but they will sit in the cabinet because that is what the constitution says and we cannot work outside the constitution. “Where is the money? Nigeria cannot pay salaries. The federal government had to assist 27 out of the 36 states to pay salaries… The country was materially vandalized and morally sucked.” Buhari commended India for setting aside a grant of $10 billion for African countries, adding that the assistance will go a long way in helping to shape the continent. He said he had been able to facilitate some deals that will end up benefitting the country by alleviating unemployment and serving as a boost the economy.
Read more at:

Friday 30 October 2015

GOOD INITIATIVE: Bol boosts Osun’s rural economy with solar solutions

Rasheed Olaoluwa, MD BoITo address the challenge of rural-urban migration arising from inadequate electricity supply as well as aid improved access to affordable power through renewable energy, the Bank of Industry (BoI), has inaugurated a 24 killowatts (kw) micro-grid solar solution in two communities in Osun state.
The move according to the Managing Director of Bol, Rasheed Olaoluwa, is in furtherance of the United Nations campaign for eco-friendly sources of energy.

The Bol boss disclosed that the bank is starting off with the provision of long-term financing for the installation of off-grid solar home systems in six communities in a pilot phase, as part of its Solar Energy Partnership with UNIDO.

Under this initiative, Osun State has become the first State to benefit from Bol’s intervention in the provision of renewable energy in South West Nigeria, as the solar electrification project is located in Idi-Ata and Onibambu communities in Osun State.

The Bank of Industry (BoI) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) had announced the commencement of the implementation of their solar energy programme earlier in July, this year.

Olaoluwa lamented that rural communities are the worst hit in terms of poor access to electricity, especially the off-grid areas which have always been without power supply and have resigned their fate to the use of kerosene lanterns, oil lamps, and other types of dangerous and unhealthy sources of light to able to live their daily lives.

The development, he said, has hampered the socio-economic development of the nation as it has created an atmosphere that is not conducive for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which are the drivers of the nation’s economic growth to thrive.

He argued that the situation remained one of the main factors responsible for the concept of rural-urban migration.

Olaoluwa lamented that about 4500MW electricity generated from the national grid was grossly inadequate for a leading African economy like Nigeria with a population of 170 million people, hence the intervention of Bol and the United nations Development Programme (UNDP).

He argued that the situation remained one of the main factors responsible for the concept of rural-urban migration.

‘‘These communities, with an average of 200 homes each, are located in Anambra, Edo, Gombe, Kaduna, Niger and Osun States. Today, we have come to Osun State in partnership with Arnergy Solar Limited to commission a 24kw micro-grid solar electrification system in Idi-ita/Onibambu, a community which hitherto had no access to electricity,’’ he said.

Also speaking, Governor of the State of Osun, Raufu Aregbesola, urged the leader of the two communities to judiciously protect the installation and ensure that payments are promptly made for energy consumed so that the scheme can be self-sustaining thus encouraging the investor to replicate such in other locations within the State.

Aregbesola who was represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Moshood Adeoti said: ‘‘As a responsible Government, I want the Ministry of Water Resources, Rural Development and Community Affairs to carry out due diligence on the issue of appropriate pricing and adequate supply to each household. This is to ensure consumer protection against exploitation,’’ he stressed.

Thursday 29 October 2015

I was a victim of Boko Haram — Samuel Eto’o

Cameroonian football icon, Samuel Eto’o, has called for international support to tackle Boko Haram.
The Antalyaspor striker, who spoke with the Cable News Network on Thursday in an interview, which was monitored by our correspondent, lamented the lack of attention internationally for terrorism in Africa.

“I was affected, like many of my African brothers, by Boko Haram. We haven’t been affected by such horrors in a very long time. In the midst of these atrocities, we seem powerless. We saw what happened in France with Charlie Hebdo.He said, “It is important that African people, who are successful, raise their voices to denounce these horrors and raise awareness among the general public.
“We were all very sad about this situation and we saw African heads of state coming to Paris to offer their support to France. Why — when it comes to Africa, when it comes to our continent — don’t we do anything?”
The former African Footballer of the Year, while unveiling his charity, Yellow Whistleblower FC, said he would raise $50m to deal with the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria, which has spilled into neighbouring countries such as Cameroon, Niger and Chad.
A total of £51,250 (about $78,480) had been raised when our correspondent visited the group’s website on Thursday.
Speaking on racism against African footballers, Eto’o said, “When you’re African and you’re sometimes better than Europeans or Americans, you are not considered as African. I can’t say no to life, to hope. Hope is the reason; I still have hope for our African continent.
“I really hope there will be other Samuel Eto’os or Yaya Toures and others who are part of history. In order to be part of history, you need to have an impact on life several times. When you impact history several times, that means you are out of the ordinary. That’s why in Africa, we need to say no to ignorance, while accepting and understanding our values.”

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Prostitution: Marathon sex killed a sex worker in Enugu

The Enugu State Police command through operatives of the Udenu Division has commenced investigati...

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The Enugu State Police command through operatives of the Udenu Division has commenced investigations into an alleged incident of murder in which a commercial sex worker was allegedly killed in a brothel after a marathon sex with a customer.

It was gathered that around midnight on October 24, the customer, identified as Ikechukwu Oga had gone to a brothel at Obolloafor, in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State where he met with the sex hawker, Roseline and had a sex deal.

Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Mr. Ebere Amaraizu, DSP, confirmed the incident in a statement made available to newsmen, explaining that the suspect after a bargain with the deceased, agreed to sleep together for a fee.

According to the suspect's confession, "we bargained and agreed. She told me to come back later as she was already servicing someone. But when I came back, I also discovered that she was still having sex with another customer. Roseline told me to exercise patience as both of us were going to sleep till day break.

"After concluding with the customer, she now invited me into the room for my turn, but was unable to conclude the deal as she complained of being tired which forced me to come down. At that juncture, she slept off. I was woken  by sympathizers who complained that Roseline has died.

"I did not conclude my first round of the deal before she complained that she was tired and that was in the midnight of yesterday. I had to discontinue and that was the last  thing I know. I cannot say what killed her."

Meantime, the corpse has been recovered and deposited in a nearby hospital while the suspect is helping the police in their investigation.

- Vanguard

Tuesday 27 October 2015


The survival of any Democratic political system lies in the strength, vitality and active consciousness with inherent sensitive nature and operation of the judiciary .
The judiciary is an independent organ of government that is charged and saddled with the responsibility of interpretation of laws and adjudication in dispute either electoral, civil or criminal as enshrined in the constitution.

The long awaiting epoch of judicial consciousness and activism of our judiciary as the last Hope of the common man, the custodian of the law and the conscience of any Nation is here now!

The verdicts of the election petition Tribunal on the last shamble ,anarchy, chaos and daylight electoral robbery that occurred in RIVERS state last governorship and house of assembly election has Really shown that gone are the days,where electoral rogues, who believes in raping and thwarting the electoral process, will keeps maximizing pleasure in such illegal act, which has in no small measures relegate our Nation to second fiddle, mockery and a Democratic infant in comity of nations, who cannot imbibe the ethos,norms and values of standard international electoral practices as obtained in industrialized democracies, despite the uninterrupted 16 years of democracy practice.

The precedent being set by the election petition Tribunal that sat on the electoral litigation on Rivers state governorship and house of assembly is a laudable one, which will stand the ideal test of time and will also go long way in sanitizing of our judicial system and brings out the judicial activism, we all have been yearning for,for So long, in re-positioning of our dear state and Democratic practice to the standard obtained in an ideal Democratic climes.

I recalled vividly, that during the last Governorship election in Rivers state, the immediate former Governor now appeared but yet to be confirmed minister , Rotimi Amaechi during the election, before casting his vote, asked the electoral presiding officer in his pooling Booth to show him the EC8 form for that pooling unit,which the presiding officer was unable to produced, immediately, the Governor exposed the anomalies he discovered in the process to the world and he was being criticized by the then Ruling party, that he lacks the right to have condemned the process, that he should allow the body charged with the responsibility to do so , in which the outcome of the election petition Tribunal has finally validate now.

The regularities in the pattern at which the election petitions Tribunal nullified the governorship and assembly elections, shows that the processes was marred with high level of irregularities, which was also in conformity with the codified report of election observers both locally and internationally on the processes in the state .

I strongly believes that, there is no amount of influence or interference the Executive arm at the federal level can exercise on the judiciary cum election petition Tribunal that could make them relegate themselves to be a mere stooge of the Executive and nullified twenty house of assembly election in a state, if truly the process of the election was free and fair in conformity to the electoral act.

Let all walling Wailers keep mute as the independent and sanity of the judiciary is well protected.
To crown it all,the supreme court has thrown out wike petition challenging the jurisdiction of Rivers state election petition Tribunal ,which was moved to Abuja for maximum security and protection of the electoral panels to be well guarantee.

Yaya Toure Is On Pace To Break Samuel Eto’o’s Record

The Confederation of African Football just released the list of nominees for the 2015 African Footballer of the Year Award, the continent’s most prestigious award. Reigning African Player of the Year, Yaya Toure, whose name figures on the list of nominees is on pace to set a new record.

Maybe champion for the 5th time


Touré won the award for the fourth consecutive time last year. The Ivorian midfielder, who’s had a very slow start of the season, scoring only one goal in 10 appearances with Manchester City so far, led his national team to the Africa Cup of Nations title last February in Equatorial Guinea. If he wins the award this year, the Ivorian midfielder will surpass Samuel Eto’o. Cameroon’s football legend won the award four times (in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2010). Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang,  who has scored so far 10 goals in just 8 Bundesliga matches with Borussia Dortmund, is a strong contender for the award. The Confederation of African Football will announce the winner of the title on December 22nd.
See the full list of nominees below:
  • Ahmed Musa – CSKA Moscow (Russia) and Nigeria
  • Andre Ayew – Swansea City (England) and Ghana
  • Aymen Abdennour – Valencia (Spain) and Tunisia
  • Baghdad Bounedjah – Etoile du Sahel (Tunisia) and Algeria
  • Bassem Morsi – Zamalek (Egypt) and Egypt
  • Christian Atsu – Bournemouth (England) and Ghana
  • Dieumerci Mbokani – Norwich City (England) and DR Congo
  • El Arbi Soudani – Dynamo Zagreb (Croatia) and Algeria
  • Faouzi Ghoulam – Napoli (Italy) and Algeria
  • Ferebory Dore – Angers (France) and Congo
  • Gervinho – Roma (Italy) and Ivory Coast
  • Ibrahima Traore – B Monchengladbach (Germany) and Guinea
  • Javier Balboa – Al Faisaly (Saudi Arabia) and Equatorial Guinea
  • Heldon Ramos – Rio Ave (Portugal) and Cape Verde
  • Mame Biram Diouf – Stoke City (England) and Senegal
  • Max Gradel – Bournemouth (England) Ivory Coast
  • Mehdi Benatia – Bayern Munich (Germany) and Morocco
  • Mudather El Tahir ‘Careca’ – Al Hilal (Sudan) and Sudan
  • Mohamed Salah – Roma (Italy) and Egypt
  • Nicolas Nkoulou – Marseille (France) and Cameroon
  • P-Emerick Aubameyang – B Dortmund (Germany) and Gabon
  • Robert Kidiaba – TP Mazembe (DR Congo) and DR Congo
  • Rudy Gestede – Aston Villa (England) and Benin
  • Riyad Mahrez – Leicester City (England) and Algeria
  • Sadio Mane – Southampton (England) and Senegal
  • Serge Aurier – Paris St Germain (France) and Ivory Coast
  • Seydou Keita – Roma (Italy) and Mali
  • Sofiane Feghouli – Valencia (Spain) and Algeria
  • Stephane Mbia – Trabzonspor (Turkey) and Cameroon
  • Thievy Bifouma – Granada (Spain) and Congo
  • Victor Wanyama – Southampton (England) and Kenya
  • Vincent Aboubakar – Porto (Portugal) and Cameroon
  • Vincent Enyeama – Lille (France) and Nigeria
  • Yacine Brahimi – Porto (Portugal) and Algeria
  • Yannick Bolasie – Crystal Palace (England) and DR Congo
  • Yassine Chikhaoui – Al Gharafa (Qatar) and Tunisia
  • Yaya Toure – Manchester City (England) and Ivory Coast

Thousands Of Luxury Cars Are Left Abandoned In Dubai

Media 2015-09-20 at 5.00.04 PM
The United Arab Emirates are among the richest countries in the Middle East thanks to their oil reserves, their diversified economy and a particularly strong tourism sector. Despite the recent financial crisis and the drop in oil prices, the economy remains stable.
 Media 2015-09-20 at 5.00.17 PM
However, similarly to most modern countries, the UAE have their share of problems. They face common challenges such as a high cost of living, but also unusual problems, one of which is the high number of abandoned luxury cars. Why would one abandon a good looking sports car? When you find out why, you will realize that this choice was justified.
Media 2015-09-20 at 5.00.12 PM

5 Businessmen/Moguls who went from From Rags To Riches

These men are all proof that working hard and knowing yourself is a path to riches. From orphanages and living on the streets these men became some of the wealthiest men in the world. These businessmen are the literal rags to riches stories that provide the inspiration for everyone else. Some of them went right into the business that made them rich while others tried a number of different avenues before finding the one that made them a fortune.

1. Chris Gardner
One of the most inspirational rags to riches stories, Chris Gardner was kicked out of his home by his abusive step father. He joined the Navy and then became a medical supplies salesman. However he wanted to make a better life for his family so he began a journey to become a stockbroker. During which he was homeless, sleeping in subway bathrooms and he still managed to pass his licensing exam and get employment at Bear Sterns. His life became the subject of “The Pursuit of Happiness.”

2. Ingvar Kamprad
Ingvar Kamprad grew up on a farm but always had his sights on something bigger. He started his business career as a young boy buying packs of matches and selling them individually. He expanded his enterprises to include other small items. When his father gave him a bonus for good grades he used that to create a mail order business. He grew that business into what is now Ikea and Ingvar Kamprad has a net worth of $3 billion.

3. Sheldon Adelson
The son of an immigrant taxi driver Sheldon lived in a small one bedroom tenement with his parents and three siblings. At the age of 12 he began selling newspapers and then at 16 he started a candy-vending machine business. He continued trying a number of different enterprises before getting his biggest break through a computer trade show. He then purchased the Sands and the Venetian to get himself a net worth of $21.8 billion.

4. Leonardo Del Vecchio
Leonardo Del Vecchio came from the most humble of beginnings. He was sent to a orphanage when his mother was unable to provide for all five of her children. He went to work in a factory that made auto molds and molds for sunglasses. He worked hard and bought his own mold factory at the age of 23. He expanded his factory and became the world’s largest maker of sunglasses and prescription eyeglasses. His net worth is around $11 billion.

5. John Paul Dejoria
The son of immigrants who divorced when he was two, John Paul sold Christmas cards to help support his family before he was even 10. He was sent to a foster home and later joined an L.A. gang. He tried his hand at the military and then working at a Redken Laboratories. Taking a gamble he took out a $700 loan and created John Paul Mitchell systems. He was so sure of his product that he sold it door to door and lived out of his car. His shampoo was a success and his company is now worth $900 million annually. He can also be credited with creating Patron Tequila.

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