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Friday 20 November 2015

'The White House will turn black with our fire, Allah willing': ISIS warns of fresh attacks on Washington in the third video to threaten America in as many days

'The White House will turn black with our fire, Allah willing': ISIS warns of fresh attacks on Washington in the third video to threaten America in as many days


  • Fanatics have released a new video threatening to attack the White House
  • Militant says ISIS will turn White House 'black with out fire, Allah willing'
  • Another extremist also threatens Barack Obama and Francois Hollande
  • Says ISIS will lead America, France and their allies 'like slaves, like dogs'
  • Previous videos threatened attacks on Washington DC and New York
  • ISIS has released another propaganda video claiming it will attack the United States, this time claiming the target is the White House in Washington DC

  • Another extremist featured in the video says the western world should expect more bomb attacks like the one in Paris, singling out Hollande and Obama as targets
ISIS terrorists have threatened to destroy the White House just a day after another video threatened a suicide bombing in New York in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

Speaking in the footage, a jihadi with a long beard and dressed in a headdress and robe worn by many ISIS fighters, warns: 'We started with [Paris] and we shall finish with the false White House.'

He continues: 'We shall render [the White House] black with our fire, Allah willing.' 

The professionally-produced clip was filmed in ISIS-controlled Dijlah province, to the north of Iraqi capital Baghdad, according to the Middle East Research Institute, which translated the footage.

It also bears the black flag symbol of the Al Hayat Media Center, the propaganda arm of ISIS that produces its infamous execution and recruitment videos.

It begins with another terrorist speaking in the middle of the street, making threats against France and the U.S. after both countries escalated bombing campaigns against ISIS in the wake of Paris.

Addressing the camera while using his index finger to point at the sky, indicating a reverence to Allah, the man says: 'What do they expect from the nation of Islam other than more of these strikes?

'We will bring [French President Francois] Hollande and the people around him the good tidings, as we bring Obama and the people around him the good tidings, of more of these strikes.'

In a third video, ISIS threatened to attack Washington DC - despite the fact that FBI director James Comey said this afternoon that his agency is not aware of any direct threat against the U.S.

He then goes on to say: 'Allah willing, we shall roast them with [explosive] belts and car bombs.

'We shall follow them wherever they may go and Allah willing we shall lead them like slaves, like dogs. Allah willing we shall lead them like slaves, like dogs.'

The footage then cuts to black, before text appears in the tricolor of the French national flag, which reads 'Paris before Rome', as burning cinders float up the screen.

While it is not explicitly stated what this statement is referring to, it is likely meant as a threat against the Italian capital, which has been on high alert ever since 129 people were killed in Paris.

Italian authorities upped security in major cities and around cultural sites yesterday after the FBI warned of possible terrorist attacks there.

The footage then cuts to a second bearded jihadi, again wearing a headdress and robe, though this time he appears to be speaking outside, either in a garden or courtyard.

He says: 'Oh crusader France, we shall pulverize your palaces, Allah willing you shall not know happiness and will not live for long.

'We started with you and we shall finish with the false White House which we shall render black with our fire, Allah willing. We shall blow it up like we blew up the false idols in this good land. 

'Oh crusaders everywhere, know that you are under threat and that Allah had ordered us to fight you.'

Keeping Up with the Kar-CASH-ians: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West 'selling Bel Air mansion they've never even lived in for a $10 million profit'

They were 'forced' to shack up with her mother to allow for extensive renovations on their dream family home to take place.

Alright for some: The parents of North West's current residence is a 16,000-square-foot, eight-bedroom estate which sits on 3.5 acres within a gated community in the heart of the Hollywood Hills and boasts its own vineyard

But Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have apparently had a change of heart on the expansive Bel Air mansion as they're planning to put it up for sale, despite never even living in it, a new report claims.

The reality-star-turned-business-woman and the rapper have decided to sell the sprawling property for more than $20 million, according to TMZ.

The parents of North West bought the Bel Air digs in 2013 for a cool $9 million and are believed to have spent $2 million on renovations which are said to have included installing a basketball court and a bowling alley.

While the home improvements were carried out, Kim and Kanye - who are nicknamed Kimye - moved to nearby Calabasas to live with Kris Jenner for a while.

Change of heart: Kim, 35, and Kanye, 38, are believed to be putting the newly-renovated estate, complete with basketball court and bowling alley, and which they bought in 2013 for $9 million, on the market 

Following their lavish Florence wedding in May 2014, they forked out for another property in the heart of the Hollywood Hills.

Their current residence is a 16,000-square-foot, eight-bedroom estate which sits on 3.5 acres within a gated community and boasts its own vineyard.

Kim and Kanye's long swimming pool and jacuzzi are lined with fountain streams and the poolhouse is larger than the average family home.

There is even a second, smaller pool with a slide for North as well as a playhouse which takes up a fraction of the 1,050 square foot outdoor entertainment pavilion which is complete with a sports court area. 

KIm and Kanye lived with Kris for just over year following the birth of their two-year-old daughter North in June 2013.

The selfie queen soon grew tired of the situation and sharing her excitement at the time of finding the new property, she told People: 'I am so ready to be out of my mom's house, you have no idea. But it will be nice to still be close.

'When we bought our Bel Air house, we didn't have a baby, we weren't even pregnant. After you have a baby, you realise that you need so many other things and a different kind of space. So being in the city is a different life. We wanted to be away and have more privacy.' 

ISIS are preparing a CHEMICAL attack, warns French PM, as US security sources confirm that jihadis are trying to produce the deadly weapons

Manuel Valls warned terrorist may be looking to attack France again
  • French PM said next attack may involve chemical and biological weapons
  • Security officials confirm ISIS is developing bioweapons in Iraq and Syria
France's prime minister has warned his country to be prepared for chemical and biological attacks as he told MPs that the 'macabre imagination' of ISIS is 'limitless'.

Manuel Valls made the ominous prediction while calling on French MPs to extend the country's state of emergency for another three months, amid fears another attack is imminent.

Speaking in the French Parliament today, Mr Valls said: 'Terrorism hit France, not because of what it is doing in Iraq and Syria... but for what it is.'

He added: 'We must not rule anything out. I say it with all the precautions needed. 

'The macabre imagination of the masterminds is limitless.' 

His warning came shortly before it was confirmed that the suspected engineer of last week's Paris attacks was killed in the police raid of an apartment north of the capital.

Valls told Parliament to applause from lawmakers that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a 28-year-old Belgian ISIS militant, had been confirmed killed in Wednesday's six-hour siege in a Paris suburb.

Abaaoud is said to have planned the coordinated attacks on the Stade de France, cafes and the Bataclan, a music venue, which left 129 dead.

But it is also believed that he is behind four out of six terror plots which French authorities have foiled since the spring.

Mr Valls' warning of the risk of bio-weapons being used against France came as U.S. and Iraqi intelligence officials confirmed that ISIS is aggressively pursuing development of chemical weapons.

The militant terrorist organisation is setting up a branch dedicated to research and experiments with the help of scientists from Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the region, according to reports. 

U.S. intelligence officials do not believe IS has the capability to develop sophisticated weapons like nerve gas that are most suited for a terrorist attack on a civilian target. So far the group has used mustard gas on the battlefield in Iraq and Syria.

But Iraqi officials expressed concern that the large safe haven the extremists control since overrunning parts of Iraq and Syria last year has left Iraqi authorities largely in the dark over the IS program.

'They now have complete freedom to select locations for their labs and production sites and have a wide range of experts, both civilians and military, to aid them,' a senior Iraqi intelligence official said.

ISIS dismiss Anonymous hackers as 'idiots' for threatening to shut down their Twitter accounts

ISIS dismiss Anonymous hackers as 'idiots' for threatening to shut down their Twitter accounts… when they can just open new ones


  • Hacktivists Anonymous declared cyberwar on ISIS after Paris attacks
  • Efforts have been dismissed by jihadists, who called them 'idiots'
  • Jihadist affiliate mocked Anonymous' efforts hacking Twitter and email
  • ISIS fighters, many of them millennials, communicate via encrypted apps
ISIS militants have hit back at hacking collective Anonymous' attempts at declaring a cyber war, branding them 'idiots'.

The hacking group promised to hunt down militant jihadists online following the terrorist attacks in Paris last week which left 129 people dead.

However, ISIS jihadists, who use a number of encrypted apps an internet services to communicate and use social media under the radar, are clearly unimpressed with Anonymous' efforts.

In response to the declaration of war, ISIS affiliate the Islamic Cyber Army took to encrypted smartphone-messaging app Telegram to dismiss Anonymous as 'idiots'.

'What they gonna hack…all they can do is hacking twitter accounts, emails, etc…,'  the Islamic Cyber Army wrote according to New York Magazine. 

'Do not make your email same as your username on twitter this mistake cost many ansar [users sympathetic to ISIS] their accounts and the kuffar [non-Muslims] published their IP, so be careful.

Anonymous' declaration of war came in a video posted on the group's French YouTube page shortly after the Paris attacks, were they warned the terror group to 'expect us', vowing to hunt down those responsible online and expose them.

Wearing the group's signature Guy Fawkes mask, a spokesman says in French: 'Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down. 

Cyberwar: Anonymous already publish and update a list of Twitter accounts they claim spread propaganda in support of ISIS, a list which has now increased to 5,500

'You should know that we will find you and we will not let you go. We will launch the biggest operation ever against you. Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared. Get prepared.'

Anonymous already publish and update a list of Twitter accounts they claim spread propaganda in support of ISIS, a list which has now increased to 5,500. 

However, as supporters and detractors of ISIS alike have pointed out that jihadists simply have to set up new accounts when their Twitter is shut down or exposed.

ISIS militants use a number of encrypted messaging services, email providers, and GPS blockers to communicate under the radar.

The list of apps used by the jihadists have been revealed after a 34-page ISIS fighter handbook was obtained by independent military research group Combating Terrorism Center (CTC), and published on Scribd by Yahoo.

In it, jihadis are told to add a virtual private network (VPN) to their mobile browsers, which allows you to mask your location and use a foreign IP address, making it look to outsiders like you are in another city or country. 

To send images or messages to each other, they use FireChat, which allows phones within a 200-meter radius to connect without using the internet, and emails are sent using encrypted apps. 

The details have emerged days after it was revealed ISIS has its own 24-hour 'jihadi hotline' for technical difficulties. 
Counter-terrorism analysts say the helpdesk is manned by senior operatives around the clock to support fighters using encrypted communication in order to evade the authorities.

The service, which appears to have been running for around a year, has alarmed security officials because it allows thousands of followers to move and plan operations incognito.

EXCLUSIVE: Extraordinary selfie of Europe's first female suicide bomber shows the jihadi who never read the Koran, liked to drink and smoke and had a reputation for having lots of boyfriends

  • Hasna Ait Boulahcen, 26, is Europe's first female suicide bomber
  •  Europe's first woman suicide bomber, Hasna Ait Boulahcen, was a party animal with a string of boyfriends who had shown no interest in religion, it has been revealed. Ait Boulahcen is pictured lying in a bubble bath
  • Revealing pictures have now emerged of her relaxing in a bubble bath
  • She detonated her suicide vest packed with explosives after witness claims he saw her going to KFC
  • Screamed 'Help me!' before blast in which her head flew through window
  • She was described by friends as an 'extrovert', and booze-loving party girl
  • Neighbour said she smoked and 'went around with lots of different guys'
  • Her nickname was 'The Cowgirl' as she liked to wear big cowboy hats 
  • See more on the ISIS Paris attacks at
Europe's first woman suicide bomber was a party animal with a string of boyfriends who had shown no interest in religion, it emerged today.

Hasna Ait Boulahcen, 26, blew herself to pieces during the siege of Saint Denis after anti-terror police closed in on the safehouse where she was hiding with her cousin, the mastermind of the Paris attacks.

Just a day after her death, family and acquaintances gave extraordinary accounts of a young woman with a 'bad reputation' who was known for her love of alcohol and cigarettes rather than devotion to Islam.

Her brother Youssouf Ait Boulahcen said that she had had no interest in religion, never read the Koran and had only started wearing a Muslim veil a month ago.

A photograph has also emerged of Ait Boulahcen posing for a selfie in the bath. Her face is covered in heavy make-up and she wears nothing but jewellery.

He had been shot in the head and blown to pieces by grenades. Forensic experts had to identify him through saliva samples and pieces of skin. 

Abaaoud was a committed jihadist who had been in Syria and was well-known to the European authorities. 

However, his cousin appears to have only become radicalised in the last month after abandoning her former lifestyle to join ISIS.

In a statement, her brother Youssouf, said that he had never even see her open the Koran. 

'She was living in her own world. She was not interested in studying her religion', he said. 'She was permanently on her phone, looking at Facebook or WhatsApp.

'I told her to stop all of this but she would not listen, she ignored my numerous attempts to give her advice telling me I was not her dad, or her husband, and so I should leave her alone.'

Ait Boulahcen blew herself up yesterday after anti-terror police tracked her cousin Abdelhamid Abaaoud to a rundown apartment in Saint Denis. 

Witnesses described her screaming 'help me, help me' and 'I'm not his girlfriend' seconds before detonating the device.

Her head and spine were found in the street after being blasted through the window. French prosecutors confirmed today that Abaaoud, who was from Belgian, also died in the resultant gun battle.

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