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Wednesday, 24 May 2017


Prior to the reopening of my Alma mata, LAUTECH, after an industrial action that lasted for about 9 months, i wrote an open letter to the two owner State Governors, where my disappointment was expressed and another open letter to ‘maybe’ the University management, tagged THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY. In the latter, I wrote about the personality of the Vice Chancellor and how he has been able to bring a face lift to the university, even amidst so many corrupt retrogrades within the university setup, who are not in support of his administration, and some externals in the the State(s) corridors of power, who are hell bent on hijacking the university for their selfish purposes. Unfortunately, some stakeholders in the university saw it as an attack on them.

Today, it is copious that the said ‘selfish power brokers and retrogrades’ have upped their quest to seize power and take absolute control of the university. These sets of degenerated persons were the ones who infiltrated the Students and politicized the students protest for the reopening of the university, gained more relevance and made financial kickbacks – in Ibadan, where and when Governor Ajimobi made the ‘CONSTITUTED AUTHORITY’ speech and hurled several abuses on the protesters. Let history be kind to those innocent students who were used as pawns by those who should be role models to them and guide them right, for they were ready to dance to the tones of the piper player, in order to get their university reopened and restore academic activities.

Again, these 'confusionists' have succeeded in causing chaos amidst the students and brewing enmity between them, the vice chancellor and the Chancellor of the university. All to satisfy personal gains.

Being a former president of the university Students’ Union and also as a victim of incessant industrial actions in LAUTECH, i understand the horrible situation, share in the disappointments and pains of the students but still, i have a feeling of doubt with regard to the morality of a course of action ‘claimed’ to have been taken by the said aggrieved students – demanding for the resignation of the vice chancellor and wishing him dead, on issues that absolutely rest on the shoulders of the owner States.

I hope this is not a disappointing end to their impressive agitations for better funding of my Alma mata, which is invariably the pivot for the ownership crisis wobbling, undulating and oscillating the university. Again, instead of staying in course, the aggrieved students have been swayed by these groups of unscrupulous dividers in the university system and outside the walls of the university.

No doubt, a national outcry that is capable of halting the stability of the both owner States would have relieved the shadows on the issues militating against the progress of the university but instead their agitation took a sponsored lane – this is very disheartening but understandable.

As a man of admirable resume, humble personality and vast scholastic experience in the university system, it is my wish that he understands the undertones of the students most recent attacks on him and would be very willing to LET GO of his disappointments in them and continue in his efforts to mediate between the owner States towards the betterment of the university.

Today, times have changed in LAUTECH, the system is hastily deriding, the standard is derailing and the hopes of the students are fading into the thin air – courtesy of the laughable failures of the owner States to meet their obligations to the university. No doubt, the owners States incumbent governors and other stakeholders shall be remembered by their deeds – let posterity be at the center and let karma be the judge.

Today and always, I stand with the over 30,000 LAUTECH Students and pray that times change for better in the university. However, let the man who takes home an ants infested wood expect the visitation of the lizards.

LAUTECH shall rise again

The struggle continues…

MA Sulaiman Kazeem

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